Menulis Surat Peringatan (Warning Letter) dalam Bahasa Inggris

Menulis Warning Letter

Sebelum menjatuhkan sanksi pada karyawan, tim, atau siswa sekolah, sebaiknya kirimkan surat peringatan terlebih dahulu. Pelajari bagaimana cara menulisnya melalui artikel ini.

A letter of warning atau surat peringatan merupakan salah satu surat formal dalam bahasa Inggris. Bagi kamu yang bekerja di perusahaan atau lembaga internasional, skill menulis warning letter tentu menjadi sangat useful.

Apalagi jika kamu bergelut di dunia HR, atau bergerak sebagai leader dan atasan perusahaan. Pasalnya, kamu memiliki posisi dan tanggung jawab untuk mengevaluasi kinerja tim.

Di sini, kamu dapat menyimak dengan cermat tentang definisi, tingkatan, dan contoh template surat peringatan.


Pengertian Surat Peringatan

Surat peringatan dalam bahasa Inggris disebut sebagai warning letter atau a letter of warning.

Surat peringatan adalah dokumen resmi yang dikeluarkan oleh perusahaan, organisasi, atau institusi pendidikan untuk memberikan peringatan formal kepada individu yang melakukan pelanggaran terhadap aturan atau kebijakan yang berlaku.

Melalui surat ini, ia diberi kesempatan untuk memperbaiki perilakunya sebelum diambil tindakan disipliner lebih lanjut.

Beberapa contoh penyebab mengapa perusahaan mengeluarkan surat peringatan meliputi:

  • Sering terlambat/tidak hadir
  • Kelalaian dan perilaku buruk
  • Cuti tidak sah
  • Pembangkangan
  • Pelanggaran kebijakan media sosial
  • Kekerasan atau pelecehan di tempat kerja
  • Melanggar kode etik perusahaan
  • Kinerja buruk, etc


Sementara itu, berikut pemicu dikeluarkannya surat peringatan di area sekolah (umumnya dari guru/kepala sekolah untuk siswa):

  • Kehadiran tidak teratur
  • Perilaku disiplin yang buruk
  • Pelaksanaan tugas akademik yang tidak memadai
  • Pelanggaran aturan sekolah
  • Ketidakpatuhan terhadap instruksi guru
  • Perilaku tidak hormat
  • Tindakan berbahaya
  • Pelanggaran etika akademik


Baca Juga: 15 Contoh Surat Undangan Bahasa Inggris (Invitation Letter)


Tingkatan Surat Peringatan

SP1, SP2, dan SP3 adalah tingkatan surat peringatan yang digunakan untuk menangani pelanggaran dengan tingkat keparahan yang berbeda.

Setiap tingkatan memiliki konsekuensi yang meningkat jika pelanggaran terus berlanjut. Simak penjelasannya, yuk:

1. Surat Peringatan 1 (SP1)

Surat peringatan pertama diberikan untuk pelanggaran ringan. Surat ini berfungsi sebagai pemberitahuan awal dan kesempatan bagi penerima untuk memperbaiki perilakunya.


2. Surat Peringatan 2 (SP2)

Jika pelanggaran terus berlanjut setelah SP1, maka akan diberikan Surat Peringatan 2. Dokumen ini menunjukkan bahwa pelanggaran semakin serius.

Jika tidak dihentikan, maka pihak berwenang akan segera mengambil tindakan tegas sesuai aturan yang sudah ditetapkan.


3. Surat Peringatan 3 (SP3)

Surat peringatan ketiga (SP3) adalah peringatan terakhir sebelum diberikannya tindakan disipliner berat, seperti skorsing atau bahkan pemecatan.


4. Surat Peringatan Pertama dan Terakhir

Dalam beberapa kasus, a letter of warning dapat berfungsi sebagai surat peringatan pertama dan terakhir, terlebih apabila pelanggarannya sudah bersifat serius.

Artinya, jika mengulang untuk yang kedua kali, maka tak ada lagi kesempatan perbaikan bagi si penerima surat.

Baca Juga: Recommendation Letter: Pengertian, Struktur, Cara Menulis, dan Contohnya


Langkah Mempersiapkan Warning Letter

Ada beberapa poin yang perlu kamu siapkan ketika hendak menulis surat peringatan, antara lain:

1. Identify the problem

Coba teliti dengan jelas apa pelanggaran yang dibuat oleh pelaku. Pikirkan seberapa serius masalah tersebut, sudah berapa lama berlangsung, dan tindakan apa yang akan kamu ambil.

Langkah ini bisa dilakukan sendiri, atau bisa juga dengan berdiskusi bersama rekan tim lainnya.


2. Meet the Employee / Student

Pada tahap ini, berikut 3 hal yang bisa kamu lakukan:

  • Konfirmasi ulang mengenai masalah yang ada
  • Menjelaskan bagaimana harapanmu terhadap pelaku
  • Menyepakati solusi yang ditawarkan

Sampaikan undangan pertemuan dengan baik. Bila perlu, izinkan karyawan atau pihak yang bersangkutan untuk membawa pendamping atau saksi.

Selain itu, ketika mencari solusi, sebaiknya kamu tak perlu memberi persyaratan yang bersifat diskriminatif, melanggar hukum, atau tidak wajar.

Oh ya, jangan lupa untuk selalu dokumentasikan detail dari setiap pertemuan ya.


3. Create a Letter of Warning

Tahap selanjutnya, tentu membuat surat peringatan. Surat ini perlu mencakup poin-poin seperti:

  • Detail tentang masalah kinerja atau perilaku yang jadi perhatian
  • Apa yang sudah dibicarakan dengan pihak yang bersangkutan mengenai masalah tersebut
  • Apa yang akan dilakukan oleh penanggung jawab untuk membantu
  • Rencana tindakan tentang langkah-langkah yang perlu diambil oleh pihak bersangkutan
  • Rentang waktu yang diberikan untuk memperbaiki kesalahan


4. Provide the warning letter

Kamu bisa memberikan surat langsung pada karyawan, dan memastikan bahwa karyawan paham dengan isi suratnya.

In case ada masalah yang terjadi pada student, maka sampaikan surat pada orang tua atau wali yang bertanggung jawab terhadap murid tersebut.

Penting, nih. Pastikan kamu memiliki salinan surat sebagai arsip ya.

Baca Juga: Personal Letter (Surat Pribadi Bahasa Inggris): Definisi, Struktur, Jenis & Contohnya


Cara Menulis A Letter of Warning

Terdapat 6 checklist yang harus diperhatikan ketika menyusun surat ini, yaitu:

1. Language and Tone

Selayaknya surat formal yang lain, a letter of warning ditulis menggunakan bahasa atau kosakata yang formal, serta nada yang profesional.

Pastikan kamu tidak menuangkan kata atau frasa yang intimidatif, sehingga pihak terkait akan lebih terdorong untuk mengubah perilakunya menjadi lebih baik.


2. Structure

Make sure surat peringatan ini dibuat dengan rapi dan tersrtuktur. Berikut susunannya:

  • Tanggal dibuatnya surat
  • Nama orang yang mengeluarkan surat dengan alamat (biasanya dikeluarkan pada kop surat perusahaan)
  • Subjek
  • Nama karyawan/pihak terkait
  • Penjelasan/rincian pelanggaran
  • Alasan mengapa situasi ini dianggap sebagai pelanggaran kebijakan lembaga
  • Tindakan disiplin yang akan diambil oleh organisasi
  • Tanda tangan pembuat surat dan penanggung jawab lainnya


3. Content

Sampaikan rincian pelanggaran secara jelas, dan lugas. Jika memungkinkan, rincian ini bisa dilengkapi dengan waktu atau lokasi pelanggaran supaya informasi yang disampaikan lebih kredibel.


4. Proofread

Tinjau kembali surat yang sudah rampung dengan cara memeriksa vocabulary dan isi kontennya. Hal ini penting untuk mencegah konflik di kemudian hari.


5. Acknowledgment

Sudah mengirimkan surat? Maka informasikan pada karyawan atau pihak lain yang terkait. Bila surat dikirim secara fisik, minta mereka untuk menandatanganinya secara langsung.

Baca Juga: Cara Membuat Motivation Letter Bahasa Inggris Beserta Contohnya


Template Surat Peringatan dalam Bahasa Inggris

Berikut adalah template surat peringatan dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berbagai konteks:

[Company/School/Organization Letterhead]
Subject: First/Second/Third Warning Letter


[Recipient’s Name]
[Recipient’s Position/Grade]
[Recipient’s Department/School]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

We are writing to formally inform you of a violation of our [company/school/organization] policies. This letter serves as a formal warning regarding your recent actions and to provide you with an opportunity to correct your behavior.

Details of Violation:
On [date], it was observed that you [describe the violation in detail]. This action is a breach of our [specific policy or rule] and is not in line with the standards we expect from our [employees/students/members].

Consequences of Further Violations:
Please be aware that any further violations of our policies may result in more severe disciplinary actions, up to and including [termination of employment/suspension/expulsion/removal from the organization]. It is crucial that you understand the seriousness of this matter and take immediate steps to improve your conduct.

Required Actions:
We expect you to [describe the expected corrective actions or behavior changes]. Please consider this letter as an opportunity to reflect on your actions and align your behavior with the expectations of our [company/school/organization].

We request that you sign and return a copy of this letter to acknowledge receipt and understanding. Your signature does not imply agreement with the content but serves as confirmation that you have received and read this warning.


[Your Name]
[Your Position]
[Company/School/Organization Name]


Contoh Surat Peringatan Kerja 

1. Contoh Warning Letter Keterlambatan

XYZ Corporation
456 Corporate Avenue
City, State, ZIP Code

July 28, 2024

Mary Johnson
Marketing Specialist
Marketing Department
456 Corporate Avenue

Dear Mary Johnson,

We are writing to formally inform you of a violation of our company policies. This letter serves as a formal warning regarding your recent actions and to provide you with an opportunity to correct your behavior.

On multiple occasions over the past month, it has been observed that you have arrived late to work without prior notification or a valid reason. This action is a breach of our attendance policy and is not in line with the standards we expect from our employees.

Please be aware that any further violations of our policies may result in more severe disciplinary actions, up to and including termination of employment. It is crucial that you understand the seriousness of this matter and take immediate steps to improve your punctuality.

We expect you to adhere to the company’s attendance policy and ensure you arrive on time for your scheduled shifts. Please consider this letter as an opportunity to reflect on your actions and align your behavior with the expectations of our company.

We request that you sign and return a copy of this letter to acknowledge receipt and understanding. Your signature does not imply agreement with the content but serves as confirmation that you have received and read this warning.


Robert Smith
Human Resources Manager
XYZ Corporation


2. Contoh Warning Letter Poor Performance

ABC Industries
789 Industrial Park
City, State, ZIP Code

July 28, 2024

David Lee
Production Supervisor
Production Department
789 Industrial Park

Dear David Lee,

We are writing to formally inform you of a violation of our company policies. This letter serves as a formal warning regarding your recent actions and to provide you with an opportunity to correct your behavior.

Over the past quarter, your performance has not met the expected standards. You have consistently missed production targets and failed to manage your team effectively. This has resulted in delays and decreased overall productivity.

Please be aware that any further violations of our policies may result in more severe disciplinary actions, up to and including termination of employment. It is crucial that you understand the seriousness of this matter and take immediate steps to improve your performance.
We expect you to meet the production targets set for your team and demonstrate effective leadership skills. You are required to submit a performance improvement plan within one week of receiving this letter.

We request that you sign and return a copy of this letter to acknowledge receipt and understanding. Your signature does not imply agreement with the content but serves as confirmation that you have received and read this warning.


Jessica Brown
Operations Manager
ABC Industries


3. Contoh Warning Letter Ethical Violation

DEF Tech Solutions
123 Innovation Drive
City, State, ZIP Code

July 28, 2024

Emma Thompson
Software Developer
IT Department
123 Innovation Drive

Dear Emma Thompson,

We are writing to formally inform you of a violation of our company policies. This letter serves as a formal warning regarding your recent actions and to provide you with an opportunity to correct your behavior.

It has been brought to our attention that you have shared confidential company information with an unauthorized third party. This action is a serious breach of our confidentiality policy and ethical standards.

Please be aware that any further violations of our policies may result in more severe disciplinary actions, up to and including termination of employment. It is crucial that you understand the seriousness of this matter and take immediate steps to improve your adherence to company policies.

We expect you to maintain the confidentiality of all company information and comply with our ethical guidelines. Any further breaches will result in immediate disciplinary action.

We request that you sign and return a copy of this letter to acknowledge receipt and understanding. Your signature does not imply agreement with the content but serves as confirmation that you have received and read this warning.


Michael Johnson
Chief Technology Officer
DEF Tech Solutions


Contoh Surat Peringatan Siswa

1. Surat Peringatan Siswa Bermasalah Karena Sering Terlambat

Greenwood High School
456 Maple Street
City, State, ZIP Code

July 28, 2024

Alex Turner
Grade 10
Greenwood High School
456 Maple Street

Dear Alex,

We need to talk about your recent pattern of arriving late to school. Over the past month, you’ve been late several times, and it’s becoming a concern. Being on time is important for your education and for respecting the school’s schedule.

If this continues, we might have to consider further actions, which could include detention or other disciplinary measures. It’s crucial that you understand the importance of being punctual and take steps to improve this.

Please make sure you arrive at school on time from now on. If you have any issues that are causing you to be late, talk to us so we can help.


Sarah Williams
Greenwood High School


2. Warning Letter Siswa yang Perilakunya Tidak Pantas

Sunnydale Middle School
789 Pine Road
City, State, ZIP Code

July 28, 2024

Jamie Lee
Grade 8
Sunnydale Middle School
789 Pine Road

Dear Jamie,

We need to discuss some recent incidents where you’ve used inappropriate language towards other students and staff. This behavior is not acceptable and goes against our school’s values of respect and kindness.

If this happens again, there will be more serious consequences, such as suspension. We need you to understand how serious this is and to change your behavior immediately.

Moving forward, we expect you to treat everyone with respect and avoid using inappropriate language. Let’s work together to ensure this doesn’t happen again.


John Carter
Vice Principal
Sunnydale Middle School


3. Surat Peringatan Bagi Siswa yang Tidak Patuh Terhadap Peraturan Sekolah

Hillcrest Academy
123 School Lane
City, State, ZIP Code

July 28, 2024

Taylor Smith
Grade 12
Hillcrest Academy
123 School Lane

Dear Taylor,

We’ve noticed that you’ve been breaking some of the school rules recently. This letter is to let you know that your actions are not going unnoticed and need to be addressed.

Continuing to break the rules could lead to more serious consequences, such as detention or suspension. We really want you to succeed here, so it’s important that you follow the school’s rules.

Please take this as a chance to turn things around and adhere to the school’s policies from now on.


Laura Mitchell
Head of Student Affairs
Hillcrest Academy


Contoh Surat Peringatan Lainnya

Warning letter dari bank kepada nasabah:

ABC Bank
789 Financial Plaza
City, State, ZIP Code
Phone: (123) 456-7890

July 28, 2024

John Doe
123 Elm Street
City, State, ZIP Code

Dear Mr. Doe,

Re: Warning Notice Regarding Overdue Loan Payment

We hope this letter finds you well. We are writing to inform you of an important matter regarding your loan account with ABC Bank. As of the date of this letter, your loan account has an overdue balance of $2,500.00, which has not been addressed despite our previous reminders.

Account Details:
Loan Account Number: 123456789
Outstanding Balance: $2,500.00
Days Past Due: 30

If the overdue amount is not settled within the next 15 days, we may be forced to take further action, which could include reporting your account to credit bureaus, initiating legal proceedings, or engaging collection agencies. Such actions could adversely affect your credit rating and incur additional costs.

We urge you to make the necessary payment to bring your account up to date. You can make a payment via the following methods:

Online Banking: Log in to your ABC Bank account and make a payment.
Branch Visit: Visit any ABC Bank branch and make a payment in person.
Phone Payment: Call our customer service at (123) 456-7890 to make a payment over the phone.

If you are experiencing financial difficulties, please contact us immediately to discuss possible solutions or payment arrangements. We are here to help you manage your finances and find a suitable resolution.

We value you as a customer and hope to resolve this matter amicably. Please consider this letter as a final warning before further actions are taken.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.


Jane Smith
Collections Manager
ABC Bank
Phone: (123) 456-7890

Yeay, great work! Thank you for reading this article until the end. Jika kamu hendak membuat surat peringatan, segera buka artikel ini untuk melihat cara penyusunan serta template-nya ya.

But actually, masih ada hal lain yang sebaiknya kamu lakukan. Yap, berlatih writing dalam bahasa Inggris.

Pasalnya, writing merupakan salah satu skill yang tricky. Selain vocab, kamu harus memahami berbagai grammar yang dibutuhkan.

Kamu bisa belajar writing yang baik dan benar bersama para pengajar dari Inggris dan Skotlandia yang sudah tersertifikasi internasional. Di mana? Exactly, hanya di English Academy.

Belajarnya interaktif, fleksibel, plus menggunakan teknologi yang canggih. Jadi, kamu bisa bertanya banyak materi pada pengajar secara langsung. Yuk, coba Kelas Gratis-nya sekarang!

IDN CTA Blog Trial Class Academic English EA 2022

Referensi Gambar :”>Image by macrovector on Freepik</a> [Accessed 24 September 2024]

Intan Aulia Husnunnisa

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