15 Contoh Cerita Fabel Singkat Bahasa Inggris (Fable) dan Strukturnya

Fabel adalah cerita khayalan yang tokoh utamanya adalah hewan. Contoh cerita fabel adalah The Hare and The Tortoise alias kisah Kura-kura dan Kelinci. Lalu, apa, sih, perbedaan fabel dengan cerpen? Intip jawabannya di artikel ini!
Hi teman-teman! Pernah baca kisah kelinci dan kura-kura? Atau mungkin pernah dengar story tentang persahabatan antara singa dan tikus? Kalau pernah, selamat! Artinya kamu sudah mengenal sedikit tentang cerita fabel.
Oh ya, kamu sudah baca artikel 25 Contoh Narrative Text Beserta Definisi dan Generic Structure? Nah, fabel adalah bagian dari teks naratif yang juga sering digunakan untuk aktivitas story telling.
Saat membaca cerita fabel, biasanya akan muncul memori atau kenangan-kenangan manis yang dilewati seseorang ketika masih kecil.
Soalnya, fabel merupakan salah satu cerita yang sering dibacakan orang tua pada anak-anaknya sebelum pergi tidur. Hmm, auto flashback, deh.
Tapi, akan lebih baik kalau kamu mengenal fabel bukan hanya dari contoh ceritanya saja. Yuk, pelajari juga apa saja jenis-jenis cerita fabel, bagaimana ciri-cirinya, dan temukan berbagai contoh cerita fabel bahasa Inggris menarik di artikel ini!
Apa Itu Cerita Fabel?
Apa yang dimaksud cerita fabel? Fabel adalah cerita fiksi yang menggunakan hewan sebagai karakter utama dengan sifat antropomorfisme (seperti karakter manusia) dan selalu diakhiri dengan pesan moral.
Apakah fabel termasuk cerita anak? Benar, fabel merupakan cerita yang disukai oleh anak-anak karena tokoh utamanya diperankan oleh hewan. Namun, fabel juga termasuk jenis karya yang bisa dinikmati oleh semua usia, loh.
Mengapa Fabel Menggunakan Hewan?
Siapa tokoh utama dalam fabel? Tokoh utama fabel adalah hewan. Mengapa fabel menggunakan hewan? Sebab hewan dalam cerita fabel dapat menarik minat pembaca serta mampu mewakili berbagai karakter yang ada pada manusia melalui tindakan dan perkataan mereka. Hal ini membuat cerita fabel bisa diterima dan dipahami dengan mudah oleh pembaca.
Baca Juga: 15 Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris, Dari Sangkuriang Sampai Timun Mas!
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Apakah Fabel Cerita Nyata?
Fabel bersifat fiksi sehingga ceritanya tidak nyata. Mengapa disebut cerita fabel? Karena fabel berasal dari bahasa latin fābula yang artinya wacana atau cerita.
Cerita fabel disebut cerita fiksi karena hanya sebuah imajinasi yang diciptakan oleh pengarang atau penulis dengan karakter yang dianggap mewakili sifat manusia.
Bagaimana Sejarah Tercipta Fabel?
Tahukah kamu? Cerita fabel sudah ada sejak zaman kuno, bahkan mungkin sebelum tulisan ditemukan.
Jadi, sejarah cerita fabel pertama kali muncul di Mesopotamia sekitar 2.500 sebelum masehi dengan bentuk puisi tentang binatang yang berbicara dan berperilaku seperti manusia. Setelah itu, cerita fabel kemudian menyebar ke India, Cina, dan Yunani Kuno.
Salah satu tokoh yang terkenal dalam sejarah penciptaan cerita fabel adalah Aesop, yaitu seorang budak Yunani yang hidup pada abad ke-6 sebelum masehi. Aesop terkenal karena kumpulan cerita fabelnya berjudul “Fables” yang memiliki lebih dari 700 cerita pendek.
Cerita-cerita fabel Aesop mostly terinspirasi dari kehidupan sehari-hari masyarakat Yunani Kuno dan dianggap sebagai karya sastra yang paling penting dalam sejarah fabel.
Selain itu, cerita fabel juga menjadi populer di kalangan filsuf-filsuf Yunani Kuno seperti Plato dan Aristotle, yang menggunakan fabel untuk mengilustrasikan konsep-konsep filosofis.
Selama Abad Pertengahan, cerita fabel banyak digunakan sebagai sarana untuk menyampaikan ajaran agama dan moral. Beberapa contoh fabel terkenal dari periode ini adalah “The Ant and the Grasshopper” dan “The Tortoise and the Hare”. Kamu tentu sudah tak asing dengan dua cerita tersebut, kan?
Contoh Cerita Fabel Apa Saja?
Apa saja cerita dongeng hewan? Ini contohnya:
- The Mouse-deer and Crocodile (Si Kancil dan Buaya)
- The Ugly Duckling (Itik Buruk Rupa)
- The Three Little Pigs (Tiga Babi Kecil)
- The Hare and the Tortoise (Kura-kura dan Kelinci)
- The Crow and the Pitcher (Gagak dan Kendi)
- The Lion, the Fox and the Ass (Singa, Rubah dan Keledai)
- The Fisherman and the Little Fish (Nelayan dan Ikan Kecil)
- The Eagle and the Jackdaw (Elang dan Kucica)
- The Stag at the Pool (Rusa di Kolam)
- The City Mouse and the Country Mouse (Tikus Kota dan Tikus Desa)
Dari 10 contoh di atas, mana yang paling sering diceritakan kedua orang tuamu menjelang tidur?
Apa Tujuan dari Cerita Fabel?
Tujuan dari cerita fabel adalah untuk memberikan pesan moral atau pembelajaran tertentu kepada pembaca dan pendengar melalui kisah yang sederhana sehingga mudah dinikmati oleh semua usia.
Seperti yang sudah dibahas sebelumnya, fabel identik dengan karakter binatang yang berperilaku seperti manusia dan mengalami konflik atau masalah dalam cerita. Melalui karakter dan plot tersebut, cerita fabel dapat mengajarkan nilai-nilai seperti kebijaksanaan, kesabaran, kerja keras, persahabatan, kejujuran, dan lain sebagainya.
Maka dari itu, fabel berfungsi untuk menginspirasi orang agar dapat bertindak dengan cara yang lebih baik dan berperilaku sesuai dengan nilai-nilai moral yang berlaku di masyarakat.
Apa Perbedaan Cerita Fabel, Fantasi, Dongeng, dan Cerpen?
Cerita fantasi adalah cerita yang memiliki elemen-elemen fiksi atau khayalan berdasarkan imajinasi pengarang untuk menghibur pembaca atau pendengar. Ciri teks cerita fantasi biasanya memuat tentang keajaiban, keanehan, kemustahilan, atau tokoh unik yang tidak terjadi di dunia nyata.
Pada dasarnya, cerita fantasi bisa disebut juga sebagai dongeng. Tapi dongeng hanya merujuk pada cerita yang bersifat fiktif tanpa memperhatikan nilai edukatif.
Sementara itu, fabel adalah bagian dari cerita fantasi dan dongeng yang tak hanya menghibur, tapi juga bisa memberikan koda, amanat, atau ajaran bagi para pembacanya.
Ketiga jenis cerita di atas bisa dituangkan sebagai cerita pendek, yaitu cerita yang bisa dibaca habis dalam satu kali duduk. Namun, umumnya cerita pendek di majalah menggunakan tokoh manusia, guys.
Kesimpulannya, teks cerita fantasi mencakup seluruh jenis cerita berdasarkan imajinasi penulis, fabel merupakan cerita dengan tokoh utama hewan yang mengandung pesan moral, dan dongeng adalah cerita fantasi yang mengutamakan unsur hiburan melalui berbagai cerita keajaiban, tokohnya bisa hewan atau manusia.
Baca Juga: Cerpen bahasa Inggris: Definisi, Struktur, Ciri, dan Contohnya
Apa Perbedaan dan Persamaan Cerita Fabel dan Cerita Legenda?
Ada beberapa persamaan antara cerita legenda dan fabel, di antaranya:
1. Fabel dan legenda termasuk jenis cerita rakyat, yaitu berupa kisah yang sudah ada sejak lama dan diwariskan dari generasi ke generasi.
2. Keduanya mengandung pesan moral atau pembelajaran yang ingin disampaikan kepada pembaca atau pendengar.
3. Baik fabel ataupun legenda, keduanya memiliki karakter yang tidak benar-benar manusia. Dalam cerita legenda, karakter yang muncul mungkin adalah tokoh-tokoh heroik atau makhluk mitos, sedangkan dalam cerita fabel, karakternya bisa berupa binatang atau benda mati yang memiliki sifat-sifat manusia.
Sementara itu, perbedaan cerita fabel dan legenda adalah, legenda biasanya muncul berdasarkan sejarah atau kepercayaan masyarakat tertentu, sedangkan fabel tidak memiliki latar belakang sejarah yang jelas.
Selain itu, secara alur, umumna cerita legenda lebih panjang dan kompleks, berbeda dengan fabel yang cenderung lebih singkat dan mudah dipahami. Apa saja judul cerita legenda? Contohnya seperti Roro Jonggrang, Danau Toba, Candi Prambanan, dan masih banyak lagi.
Apa Kelebihan Cerita Fabel?
Selain mudah dipahami dan dapat diterima oleh semua kalangan usia, berikut ini beberapa kelebihan cerita fabel lainnya:
1. Fabel dapat membantu pembaca untuk memahami kelemahan dan kekurangan manusia yang mungkin tidak mudah dikenali jika karakternya adalah manusia.
2. Cerita fabel sangat memudahkan anak-anak mendapat pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang orang-orang dan lingkungan sekitar, tata krama yang benar, prinsip hidup, perilaku, dan situasi yang mungkin mereka temui di kehidupan sehari-hari.
3. Memiliki plot, karakter, dan latar yang sederhana sehingga bisa dikonsumsi dalam waktu yang singkat (bisa habis sekali duduk).
Struktur Teks Fabel Apa Saja?
Secara umum, generic structure of fable terdiri dari empat bagian, yaitu orientation, conflict, resolution, dan moral. Mari lihat penjelasannya di bawah ini:
1. Orientation (Introduction of Character and Setting/ Information/ Short Exposition)
Orientation adalah bagian perkenalan tokoh dan latar yang akan muncul pada cerita. Dalam hal ini, pada paragraf awal akan disebutkan hewan apa saja yang menjadi tokoh utama, di mana latar tempatnya (apakah di hutan, danau, sungai gunung, pedesaan dan lain sebagainya), kapan cerita tersebut berlangsung (e.g. satu abad yang lalu).
Selain itu, kamu juga bisa mengenalkan latar suasana atau tema di bagian orientasi.
2. Complication
Setelah mengenal karakter dan setting, cerita akan mulai masuk ke bagian complication. Namun, struktur ini terdiri dari beberapa bagian, yaitu:
- Rising Action (Leads to The Conflict)
Sederhananya, rising action adalah bagian kalimat atau paragraf yang mengantarkan tokoh menuju sebuah permasalahan.
- Conflict (A Moment of Choice)
Conflict adalah momen di mana kedua tokoh sudah terjun ke dalam sebuah konflik.
3. Falling Action (Final Action) / Resolution
Final action ini bisa juga disebut sebagai resolution, yaitu paragraf mengenai akibat konflik yang dirasakan para tokoh, serta hasil akhir atau pemecahan masalah dari konflik tersebut.
4. Moral (Lesson of The Story) / Koda
Struktur terakhir yang wajib ada dalam cerita fabel adalah koda. Kenapa struktur teks fabel ada koda? Karena koda adalah pesan moral, amanat, atau nilai-nilai hidup yang menjadi hikmah dari teks fabel, dan ini tentu sesuai dengan tujuan cerita fabel itu sendiri.
Jenis Fabel Dibagi Menjadi Berapa?
Cerita fabel ada berapa? Jenis cerita fabel terdiri dari 6 jenis, yaitu fabel klasik atau tradisional, fabel modern, fabel alami, fabel adaptasi, fabel berkoda, dan fabel tanpa koda. Berikut penjelasannya:
A. Fabel Menurut Waktu Kemunculannya
1. Fabel Klasik/Fabel Tradisional
Fabel klasik atau fabel tradisional merupakan cerita yang muncul sejak zaman dahulu kala dan sering kali dihubungkan dengan cerita rakyat.
Contoh fabel klasik adalah fabel Aesop, yang berasal dari Yunani kuno dan termasuk beberapa fabel yang paling terkenal seperti “The Tortoise and the Hare” dan “The Ant and the Grasshopper”.
2. Fabel Modern
Sesuai namanya, fabel modern adalah jenis fabel yang hadir dalam waktu yang lebih baru. Fabel yang satu ini kerap menceritakan tentang perubahan sosial dan budaya yang terjadi pada masa tertentu.
Contoh fabel modern adalah “Animal Farm” oleh George Orwell, yang menggunakan binatang untuk menggambarkan revolusi Bolshevik dan pengambilalihan kekuasaan oleh Stalin di Uni Soviet.
B. Fabel Berdasarkan Watak dan Latar
1. Fabel Alami
Jika kamu membaca cerita fabel yang menggunakan watak tokoh binatang dan alam sebagai latarnya, maka itu disebut dengan fabel alami.
Contoh, ada cerita fabel dengan tokoh singa yang ganas dan selalu jadi pemimpin. Atau ada capybara yang ramah dan mudah bergaul dengan berbagai jenis hewan, dan lain-lain.
Selain itu, fabel alami juga ditandai dengan latar alam seperti sungai, hutan, gurun, danau, laut, rawa, padang pasir, etc.
Contoh jenis fabel alami yang sangat terkenal lagi-lagi adalah kisah Semut dan Belalang yang menggambarkan perbedaan antara kerja keras dan kebodohan. Semut bekerja keras dan mengumpulkan makanan untuk musim dingin, sementara belalang hanya bermain-main. Lalu ketika musim dingin tiba, belalang kelaparan dan meminta bantuan dari semut.
2. Fabel Adaptasi
Kamu pasti sudah familiar dengan kartun Tom and Jerry, kan? Nah, kartun tersebut bisa dikategorikan sebagai fabel adaptasi. Fabel adaptasi adalah perpindahan, penyesuaian, atau penerjemahan sebuah cerita lama menjadi cerita baru.
Jadi, pada fabel adaptasi, karakter dari setiap tokoh hewan dan latar cerita akan diubah jadi mirip seperti kehidupan manusia dan tidak sesuai dengan watak alamiah mereka.
Misal singa bisa jadi digambarkan sebagai sosok yang penakut, kemudian latar tempat terjadi di pedesaan, pasar, sekolah, rumah, dan lain sebagainya.
Contoh fabel adaptasi adalah “The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse” yang menggambarkan perbedaan gaya hidup antara seekor tikus desa dan seekor tikus kota.
C. Fabel Dilihat dari Letak Pesannya
1. Fabel dengan Koda
Sederhananya, fabel dengan koda selalu menambahkan pesan moral atau ajaran di akhir cerita secara tersurat alias tertulis. Contoh fabel dengan koda adalah “The Boy Who Cried Wolf” yang mengajarkan pentingnya kejujuran dan konsistensi dalam ucapan.
2. Fabel Tanpa Koda
Nah, fabel tanpa koda sebetulnya tetap mengandung pesan moral, tapi pengarang tidak menuliskannya secara gamblang. Artinya, koda pada jenis fabel ini biasanya tertuang secara eksplisit atau tersirat dalam keseluruhan cerita.
Contoh fabel tanpa koda adalah “The Fox and the Grapes” yang hanya bercerita tentang seekor rubah yang tidak bisa mencapai buah anggur yang diinginkannya dan kemudian mengatakan bahwa buah itu tidak enak.
Apa Saja Ciri Kebahasaan Teks Fabel?

1. Menggunakan verb (kata kerja) aktif transitive dan intransitive
Fabel sering menggunakan kata kerja aktif transitive dan intransitive untuk menjelaskan tindakan tokoh dalam cerita.
Kata kerja aktif transitive digunakan ketika ada objek yang menerima tindakan dari subjek, sedangkan kata kerja aktif intransitive tidak membutuhkan objek untuk menerima tindakan dari subjek.
- Contoh fabel dengan kata kerja aktif transitive:
The fox tried to get the grapes but failed.
- Contoh kalimat dengan kata kerja aktif intransitive:
The hare ran very fast but the tortoise won the race.
Baca Juga: 11 Tipe Kata Kerja Bahasa Inggris (Verb) Beserta Contohnya
2. Memakai transitive active sentence dan intransitive active sentence
Sebetulnya poin ini tak jauh berbeda dengan poin pertama, tetapi kita lebih fokus pada jenis kalimatnya, yaitu kalimat aktif.
Jadi, transitive active sentence digunakan ketika subjek melakukan tindakan pada objek, sedangkan intransitive active sentence digunakan ketika subjek melakukan tindakan tanpa objek.
- Contoh transitive active sentence:
The mouse saved the lion from the hunter’s trap.
- Contoh intransitive active sentence:
The boy lied about the wolf and the villagers didn’t believe him anymore.
Bisa kita lihat bahwa kedua contoh kalimat di atas bentuknya adalah kalimat aktif. Lihat perbedaan kedua kalimat tersebut melalui artikel Mengenal Active Voice (Kalimat Aktif) dan Passive Voice (Kalimat Pasif)
3. Terdapat adverb of time dan adverb of place
Kamu masih ingat, kan? Adverb adalah bagian dari part of speech yang berfungsi sebagai kata keterangan. Pada cerita fabel bahasa Inggris, jenis adverb yang sering digunakan adalah adverb of time dan adverb of place.
Adverb of time digunakan untuk menggambarkan kapan suatu peristiwa terjadi, sedangkan adverb of place digunakan untuk menggambarkan di mana suatu peristiwa terjadi.
- Contoh kalimat dengan adverb of time:
The ant worked hard all summer and stored food for the winter.
- Contoh kalimat mengandung adverb of place:
The town mouse invited the country mouse to his house in the city.
Baca Juga: Adverb (Kata Keterangan) dan Jenis-jenisnya dalam Bahasa Inggris
4. Selalu memiliki adjectives atau kata sifat dalam setiap ceritanya
Dalam fabel, adjectives atau kata sifat digunakan untuk menggambarkan karakter tokoh atau objek dalam cerita. Adjectives dapat menggambarkan sifat fisik maupun emosi tokoh yang terlibat.
Contoh kalimat:
The duckling was ridiculed by the other animals because of his appearance, but he grew up to be a beautiful swan.
Adjective dari kalimat di atas adalah beautiful untuk menambah keterangan dari swan sebagai noun (kata benda).
Baca Juga: Noun (Kata Benda): Pengertian, Jenis-Jenis, Contoh, dan Penggunaannya
5. Identik dengan article untuk mengawali penyebutan setiap tokoh
Kamu seharusnya sudah familiar, dari semua contoh kalimat cerita fabel di atas, sebagian besar penyebutan tokoh diawali dengan kata “The”.
Jadi, cerita fabel bahasa Inggris memang selalu menggunakan article seperti “the” atau “a” untuk mengawali penyebutan setiap karakter dalam cerita.
Artikel digunakan untuk menunjukkan status atau peran tokoh dalam cerita tersebut, guys. Kita sudah pernah membahas ini melalui Berbagai Jenis Determiner dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Contohnya
Contoh kalimatnya:
The boy kept lying to the villagers about the wolf.
6. Menyambungkan setiap kronologi kejadian dengan conjunction
Masih ingat arti dari conjunction? Yap, conjunction adalah kata hubung. Conjunction yang sering digunakan dalam cerita fabel adalah “and” atau “but” untuk menyambungkan setiap kejadian dalam cerita.
Contoh kalimat:
The clever Fox outsmarted the strong and brave Lion by using his wit and cunningness.
Baca Juga: Conjunction: Konjungsi Bahasa Inggris
7. Ada synonym dan antonym untuk menggambarkan karakter tokoh, objek, atau situasi dan kondisi dalam cerita
Dalam fabel, sinonim dan antonim sering digunakan untuk menggambarkan karakter tokoh atau objek, serta situasi kondisi dalam cerita. Hal ini bertujuan untuk memberikan variasi dalam penggunaan kata, plus membentuk gambaran yang lebih jelas tentang tokoh atau objek tersebut.
Misalnya, di cerita “The Boy Who Cried Wolf,” kata-kata seperti “lying” dan “deceiving” digunakan sebagai sinonim dari kata “crying wolf” untuk menggambarkan karakter si anak yang sering berbohong.
Baca Juga: 178 Daftar Persamaan Kata Bahasa Inggris (Synonym) yang Umum Digunakan
Apa Saja Ciri Ciri Fabel?
Berikut ini beberapa karakteristik cerita fabel:
1. Karakter dalam fabel seringkali berupa hewan antropomorfik atau makhluk bukan manusia yang menunjukkan sifat literal dan meniru perilaku manusia, tentu tokoh utamanya adalah hewan. Biasanya fabel hanya terdiri dari dua sampai tiga karakter.
2. Pelajaran yang disampaikan bersifat universal, berlaku untuk anak-anak, remaja, sampai dewasa.
3. Fabel biasanya memiliki nada humor dalam menggambarkan pikiran dan tindakan manusia.
4. Konflik yang dialami hewan dalam cerita fabel melambangkan perilaku manusia, seringkali bertujuan untuk mengkritik tindakan seseorang.
5. Umumnya ada narator orang ketiga yang tidak terlibat langsung dalam aksi cerita.
6. Setiap karakter tidak dijelaskan secara rinci karena alur ceritanya yang singkat.
Langkah Mengurutkan Cerita Fabel
Jika kamu ingin menulis sebuah cerita fabel, cobalah beberapa langkah di bawah ini:
1. Menjadikan peristiwa real sebagai inspirasi ide menulis
Karena pada dasarnya hewan dalam fabel mewakili sifat dan sikap manusia, maka sebetulnya kamu bisa mengembangkan cerita di kehidupan nyata untuk membuat cerita fabel.
2. Ambil konflik yang sering terjadi di kehidupan sehari-hari
Setiap orang pasti pernah mengalami konflik atau masalah. Dalam hal ini, cobalah untuk mengambil satu konflik sederhana yang pernah kamu alami.
3. Garis bawahi pesan moral yang ingin disampaikan pada pembaca
Sebelum menulis ceritanya, tentukan terlebih dahulu apa ajaran atau koda yang ingin kamu berikan pada para pembaca.
4. Pilih jenis cerita, latar dan tokohnya
Jika sudah menyusun tema sampai koda, pilih jenis fabel mana yang cocok untuk mengemas ide ceritamu. Ini penting karena akan berpengaruh dengan pemilihan jenis hewan dan juga latar tempat yang akan digunakan dalam cerita.
5. Tulis dan kembangkan alur cerita sesuai struktur
Sudah selesai membuat konsep cerita dan pemilihan tokohnya? Saatnya eksekusi! Ingat, tambahkan dialog agar karakter tokoh jadi lebih hidup, serta perhatikan language features-nya, terutama jika kamu menuliskan cerita fabel dalam bahasa Inggris.
15 Contoh Naskah Cerita Fabel Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya
1. Cerita Fabel Singkat Bahasa Inggris
The Ant and the Grasshopper
Once upon a time, in a sunny field, there lived an ant and a grasshopper. The ant worked hard every day, gathering food for the winter. The grasshopper, on the other hand, spent his days singing and dancing, enjoying the sunshine. One day, the grasshopper realized that winter was coming and he had nothing to eat. He went to the ant’s house and asked for some food, but the ant refused, reminding him of all the times he had wasted his summer. The grasshopper regretted his foolishness and learned the importance of hard work and planning for the future.
As the winter went on, the ant stayed warm and well-fed, while the grasshopper shivered in the cold and starved. Finally, the grasshopper couldn’t take it anymore and went back to the ant, begging for help. This time, the ant took pity on him and shared some of his food. The grasshopper apologized for his laziness and promised to work hard in the future.
From that day on, the grasshopper became a diligent worker, just like the ant. He understood that there was a time for work and a time for play, and he had to balance them both. He also realized that he could rely on his friends in times of need, but he couldn’t always expect them to bail him out of his own mistakes. The ant and the grasshopper became good friends and worked together to prepare for the next winter.
2. Contoh Fabel Bahasa Inggris
The Tortoise and The Hare
In a forest, there lived a tortoise and a hare. The hare was very proud of his speed and often boasted about it. The tortoise, on the other hand, was slow but steady. One day, the hare challenged the tortoise to a race. The tortoise accepted the challenge and the race began. The hare quickly got ahead, but he became overconfident and took a nap. Meanwhile, the tortoise continued to move forward, slowly but steadily. When the hare woke up, he realized that the tortoise was almost at the finish line. He tried to run as fast as he could, but it was too late. The tortoise won the race and taught the hare a valuable lesson about humility and perseverance.
The hare was embarrassed by his defeat and couldn’t believe that he had lost to such a slow creature. He decided to challenge the tortoise to another race, hoping to redeem himself. This time, the hare didn’t stop to take a nap and ran as fast as he could. However, the tortoise still won the race, much to the hare’s surprise. The hare realized that speed alone wasn’t enough and that perseverance and determination were just as important.
The tortoise and the hare became good friends and continued to race each other from time to time. The hare learned to respect the tortoise’s abilities and the tortoise learned to appreciate the hare’s speed. Together, they showed that it’s not about who wins the race, but how you run it.
3. Cerita Fabel Hewan Bahasa Inggris
The Lion and the Mouse
In a jungle, a mighty lion caught a small mouse. The mouse begged for mercy and promised to help the lion in the future. The lion laughed at the idea, but decided to let the mouse go. Later, the lion got caught in a hunter’s trap and couldn’t free himself. The mouse heard his roar and rushed to help. Using his sharp teeth, the mouse chewed through the ropes and freed the lion. The lion was grateful and realized that even the smallest creatures can be helpful.
From that day on, the lion and the mouse became good friends. The lion learned to appreciate the mouse’s courage and quick thinking, and the mouse learned to not judge others based on their size. They worked together to protect their jungle from danger and became an unlikely but strong duo.
One day, the lion and the mouse heard the cries of a trapped elephant. They rushed to help and found the elephant caught in a hunter’s trap. The lion and the mouse worked together to free the elephant, using their combined strength and agility. The elephant was amazed by their teamwork and thanked them for their help.
The lion, the mouse, and the elephant became good friends and decided to work together to protect the jungle. They formed a strong alliance and used their unique skills to overcome any obstacle. They taught the other animals in the jungle the importance of cooperation and friendship, and the jungle became a peaceful and prosperous place.
4. Dongeng Fabel Bahasa Inggris
The Fox and the Crow
In a forest, a crow was sitting on a tree branch, holding a piece of cheese in her beak. A fox saw the cheese and decided to trick the crow into dropping it. The fox complimented the crow’s beautiful voice and asked her to sing for him. The crow, flattered by the praise, opened her beak to sing. As she did, the cheese fell out and the fox quickly grabbed it and ran away. The crow realized that she had been tricked and felt foolish.
The fox thought he had gotten away with his trickery, but he soon learned that karma had caught up with him. He ate the cheese too quickly and got a painful stomachache. He realized that his greed had caused him to suffer, and he felt guilty for what he had done to the crow.
The crow learned a valuable lesson about not trusting flattery and keeping her guard up. She also learned that she shouldn’t let her guard down when she has something valuable, and to be cautious of those who seem too friendly.
The fox also learned a valuable lesson about honesty and not taking advantage of others. He realized that his actions had consequences and that he needed to make amends for what he had done. He apologized to the crow and promised to never trick anyone again.
5. Contoh Dongeng Fabel Bahasa Inggris
The Goose That Laid the Golden Eggs
In a farm, there lived a farmer who owned a goose that laid golden eggs. Every day, the goose would lay a golden egg, and the farmer became very rich. However, the farmer grew greedy and wanted more gold. He thought that the goose must have a huge store of gold inside her, and he wanted to get it all at once. He decided to kill the goose and cut her open to get all the gold.
But when he killed the goose, he found no gold inside. He realized that his greed had cost him everything, and he had lost his source of wealth. He learned a valuable lesson about appreciating what he had and not letting greed get the best of him.
The moral of the story is that greed can lead to ruin and that it’s important to be content with what we have.
6. Contoh Fabel Singkat Bahasa Inggris
The Clever Spider and the Greedy Flies
Once upon a time, in a forest far away, lived a clever spider who was famous for her wits and wisdom. One day, as she was spinning her web, she saw a group of flies buzzing around a ripe fruit. The spider knew that they were greedy and would not stop until they had eaten all the fruit. So, she decided to teach them a lesson.
The spider approached the flies and said, “Why don’t you share the fruit with me? I can’t eat it all by myself.” The flies were surprised by the spider’s generosity and agreed to share the fruit with her. However, as soon as they landed on the fruit, the spider trapped them in her web.
The flies were angry and accused the spider of tricking them. But the spider calmly replied, “You were too greedy to share the fruit, so I had to teach you a lesson. Now, you will have to stay here until I decide to let you go.”
The flies realized their mistake and begged the spider for forgiveness. They promised never to be greedy again, and the spider released them from her web.
From that day on, the flies became good friends with the spider, and they often shared their food with her. And the spider, in turn, taught them valuable lessons about sharing and cooperation.
7. Cerita Fabel Pendek Bahasa Inggris
The Wise Elephant and the Foolish Monkeys
In a dense jungle, there lived a wise elephant who was respected by all the animals. One day, a group of monkeys approached the elephant and said, “We want to be as wise as you, can you teach us your ways?”
The elephant agreed to teach the monkeys but warned them that wisdom came with age and experience. However, the monkeys were impatient and wanted to learn quickly.
The elephant decided to teach them a lesson and took them to a riverbank. There, he picked up a rock and threw it into the river. He then asked the monkeys, “What did you see?”
The monkeys replied, “We saw the rock fall into the river and create ripples.”
The elephant then picked up another rock and threw it into the river again. This time, he asked the monkeys, “What did you learn?”
The monkeys were confused and said, “We saw the rock fall into the river and create ripples, but we don’t understand what we’re supposed to learn.”
The wise elephant replied, “Just like the rock, your actions have a ripple effect on others. If you do good, it will create positive ripples, and if you do bad, it will create negative ripples. So, always think before you act.”
The monkeys understood the lesson and promised to be wiser from that day on.
8. Contoh Cerita Fabel Singkat Bahasa Inggris
The Proud Peacock and the Humble Sparrow
In a lush garden, there lived a proud peacock who was admired by all the animals for his beautiful feathers. One day, a humble sparrow approached the peacock and said, “Your feathers are indeed beautiful, but do you think they are more important than your virtues?”
The peacock was offended by the sparrow’s words and said, “Of course, my feathers are more important than anything else. They are the reason why I am so admired.”
The sparrow replied, “But what use are your feathers if they do not reflect your inner beauty?”
The peacock was ashamed of his arrogance and decided to change his ways. He began to focus on his virtues and started to help other animals in need.
Soon, the peacock realized that his virtues were more important than his feathers, and he became a respected member of the animal kingdom. And the humble sparrow became his true friend, guiding him to become a better peacock.
9. Contoh Teks Fabel Bahasa Inggris
The Brave Lion and the Cunning Hyena
In a savannah, there lived a brave lion who was known for his courage and strength. One day, while on his patrol, he came across a cunning hyena who was stealing food from a nearby village.
The lion approached the hyena and asked him to stop. But the hyena, who was quick-witted, said, “Why should I listen to you? You are just a cowardly lion who is afraid of his own shadow.”
The lion was offended by the hyena’s words and challenged him to a race. He said, “Let’s see who can run faster, and the winner gets to keep the food.”
The hyena agreed to the challenge, and the race began. The lion ran as fast as he could, but the hyena used his cunning and tricked the lion by taking a shortcut.
The hyena reached the finish line first and claimed the food. But the lion was not happy with the hyena’s dishonesty and decided to teach him a lesson.
The lion challenged the hyena to another race but this time, he said, “Let’s race to the village and back, and the winner gets to keep the food.”
The hyena agreed to the challenge, and the race began. But this time, the lion ran towards the village, while the hyena took the shortcut again.
However, the lion had already made a plan with the villagers, and they were waiting for him with their weapons. As soon as the hyena reached the village, the villagers caught him and punished him for stealing their food.
The hyena realized his mistake and apologized to the lion for his cunning. And the lion forgave him and taught him the value of honesty and integrity.
10. Cerita Fabel Bahasa Inggris
The Generous Camel and the Selfish Jackals
In the desert, there lived a generous camel who was known for his kindness and compassion. One day, a group of jackals approached the camel and asked him for food.
The camel, who was always happy to help others, agreed to share his food with them. But the jackals were selfish and greedy, and they wanted all the food for themselves.
So, the jackals came up with a plan to trick the camel. They said, “We cannot eat this food without washing it. Can you take us to the nearest river?”
The camel agreed to take them to the river, but as soon as they reached the river, the jackals attacked the camel and ate all the food.
The camel was hurt and saddened by the jackals’ behavior but decided to teach them a lesson. He asked them to follow him, and they walked for miles until they reached an oasis.
There, the camel showed them how to find food and water in the desert and taught them the value of sharing and cooperation.
The jackals realized their mistake and apologized to the camel for their greed. And from that day on, they became good friends with the generous camel.
11. Cerita Pendek Fabel Bahasa Inggris
The Wise Owl and the Lost Squirrel
In a dense forest, there lived a wise owl who was known for his wisdom and knowledge. One day, a lost squirrel approached the owl and asked him for directions.
The owl, who was always happy to help others, asked the squirrel where he was headed. The squirrel replied, “I am looking for a tree with the sweetest berries in the forest.”
The owl smiled and said, “I know where that tree is, but it’s a dangerous journey. You will have to cross a river, climb a mountain, and avoid the traps set by the hunters.”
The squirrel was scared but determined to find the sweetest berries in the forest. So, the owl decided to accompany him on his journey.
They crossed the river, climbed the mountain, and avoided the traps set by the hunters. Finally, they reached the tree with the sweetest berries in the forest.
But the squirrel was surprised to see that the tree was guarded by a ferocious tiger. The owl whispered to the squirrel, “Don’t worry, I have a plan.”
The owl flew towards the tiger and started to make a loud noise. The tiger was scared and confused and started to run away. Meanwhile, the squirrel climbed the tree and ate the sweetest berries in the forest.
The squirrel was happy and grateful to the wise owl for helping him find the sweetest berries in the forest. He asked the owl, “How did you know what to do?”
The owl replied, “I have lived in this forest for a long time and have learned to use my wisdom and knowledge to help others. Remember, it’s not just about finding the sweetest berries, but it’s also about the journey and the lessons we learn along the way.”
12. Cerpen Fabel Bahasa Inggris
The Bragging Peacock and the Humble Sparrow
In a garden, there lived a peacock who was known for his beautiful feathers and his love for attention. He would often boast about his beauty and would make fun of the other birds in the garden.
One day, a humble sparrow approached the peacock and asked him why he was so proud. The peacock replied, “Look at my feathers, aren’t they the most beautiful in the garden?”
The sparrow smiled and said, “Your feathers may be beautiful, but they don’t make you a better bird. It’s your actions and your character that define who you are.”
The peacock was offended and challenged the sparrow to a race. He said, “Let’s see who can fly the highest, and the winner will be declared the best bird in the garden.”
The sparrow agreed to the challenge, and the race began. The peacock flew high in the sky, showing off his feathers, while the sparrow flew close to the ground, using his speed and agility.
As they were racing, the peacock got tired and realized that his feathers were weighing him down. Meanwhile, the sparrow was still flying strong and reached the finish line first.
The peacock was ashamed of his behavior and apologized to the sparrow for his arrogance. He learned that beauty is not just about appearances, but it’s also about inner qualities like humility, kindness, and compassion.
13. Dongeng Fabel Singkat Bahasa Inggris
The Resourceful Elephant and the Arrogant Rhino
In a jungle, there lived a resourceful elephant who was known for his intelligence and problem-solving skills. One day, an arrogant rhino approached the elephant and challenged him to a competition.
The rhino said, “I am the strongest and most powerful animal in the jungle. Let’s see who can knock down the most trees, and the winner will be declared the best animal in the jungle.”
The elephant agreed to the challenge and started to knock down the trees with his trunk. But the rhino was too stubborn and used his horn to knock down the trees.
As they were competing, the jungle started to flood, and the animals were in danger. The elephant quickly came up with a plan and used his trunk to create a dam, which stopped the flood and saved the animals.
The rhino was surprised by the elephant’s resourcefulness and apologized for his arrogance. He learned that strength is not just about physical power, but it’s also about intelligence and problem-solving skills.
14. Contoh Cerita Fabel Bahasa Inggris Singkat
The Curious Giraffe and the Wise Elephant
In a savannah, there lived a curious giraffe who was always asking questions and exploring new things. One day, he approached a wise elephant and asked him, “Why are you the wisest animal in the savannah?”
The elephant smiled and said, “I am not the wisest animal in the savannah, but I have lived here for a long time and have learned from my experiences. Wisdom comes from learning and applying that knowledge to make better decisions.”
The giraffe was intrigued and asked the elephant to share some of his wisdom. The elephant said, “One of the most important lessons I have learned is that we are all connected in this world. Every action we take has a ripple effect on the environment and the other animals around us. That’s why it’s important to be mindful and considerate of our actions.”
The giraffe was grateful for the elephant’s wise words and promised to apply them in his life. He learned that wisdom is not just about knowledge, but it’s also about the ability to apply that knowledge to make positive changes in the world.
15. Contoh Cerita Fabel Pendek
The Helpful Dolphin and the Selfish Shark
In the ocean, there lived a helpful dolphin who was known for his kindness and generosity. One day, a selfish shark approached the dolphin and asked him for help.
The shark said, “I have injured my fin, and I can’t swim properly. Can you help me reach the other side of the ocean?”
The dolphin agreed to help and carried the shark on his back. As they were swimming, the shark started to attack the dolphin, trying to kill him.
The dolphin was surprised and asked the shark why he was doing this. The shark replied, “I am a predator, and you are my prey. I only asked for your help to get closer to my next meal.”
The dolphin was disappointed and hurt by the shark’s betrayal. He realized that not everyone is kind and helpful like him, and he learned to be more cautious and mindful of the people he helps.
Woah, akhirnya selesai! Materi cerita fabel ini cukup panjang ya, guys. Tapi.. hopefully kamu mendapat pengetahuan yang lebih banyak soal fabel khususnya dalam bahasa Inggris.
Anyway, cerita fabel bisa jadi salah satu media buat upgrade reading skill bahasa Inggris kamu, loh. Soalnya, fabel memiliki alur cerita yang singkat, means nggak bikin kamu jadi cepat bosan.
Tapi, belajar bahasa inggris dari cerita fabel aja nggak cukup. However, bakal lebih afdol kalau belajar sesuatu itu didampingi langsung sama ahlinya, kayak di English Academy.
Di sana, ada guru lokal dan internasional yang siap bikin kamu jago bahasa Inggris dengan kurikulum internasional Cambridge! Kira-kira, kelas mana yang cocok untukmu? Cek dulu di Placement Test, yuk! Gratis dan bersertifikat!
Fabel adalah cerita khayalan yang tokoh utamanya adalah hewan. Contoh cerita fabel adalah The Hare and The Tortoise alias kisah Kura-kura dan Kelinci. Lalu, apa, sih, perbedaan fabel dengan cerpen? Intip jawabannya di artikel ini!
Hi teman-teman! Pernah baca kisah kelinci dan kura-kura? Atau mungkin pernah dengar story tentang persahabatan antara singa dan tikus? Kalau pernah, selamat! Artinya kamu sudah mengenal sedikit tentang cerita fabel.
Oh ya, kamu sudah baca artikel 25 Contoh Narrative Text Beserta Definisi dan Generic Structure? Nah, fabel adalah bagian dari teks naratif yang juga sering digunakan untuk aktivitas story telling.
Saat membaca cerita fabel, biasanya akan muncul memori atau kenangan-kenangan manis yang dilewati seseorang ketika masih kecil.
Soalnya, fabel merupakan salah satu cerita yang sering dibacakan orang tua pada anak-anaknya sebelum pergi tidur. Hmm, auto flashback, deh.
Tapi, akan lebih baik kalau kamu mengenal fabel bukan hanya dari contoh ceritanya saja. Yuk, pelajari juga apa saja jenis-jenis cerita fabel, bagaimana ciri-cirinya, dan temukan berbagai contoh cerita fabel bahasa Inggris menarik di artikel ini!
Apa Itu Cerita Fabel?
Apa yang dimaksud cerita fabel? Fabel adalah cerita fiksi yang menggunakan hewan sebagai karakter utama dengan sifat antropomorfisme (seperti karakter manusia) dan selalu diakhiri dengan pesan moral.
Apakah fabel termasuk cerita anak? Benar, fabel merupakan cerita yang disukai oleh anak-anak karena tokoh utamanya diperankan oleh hewan. Namun, fabel juga termasuk jenis karya yang bisa dinikmati oleh semua usia, loh.
Mengapa Fabel Menggunakan Hewan?
Siapa tokoh utama dalam fabel? Tokoh utama fabel adalah hewan. Mengapa fabel menggunakan hewan? Sebab hewan dalam cerita fabel dapat menarik minat pembaca serta mampu mewakili berbagai karakter yang ada pada manusia melalui tindakan dan perkataan mereka. Hal ini membuat cerita fabel bisa diterima dan dipahami dengan mudah oleh pembaca.
Baca Juga: 15 Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris, Dari Sangkuriang Sampai Timun Mas!
Mau belajar bahasa Inggris, tapi bingung harus mulai dari mana? Konsultasi Gratis di English Academy aja dulu!
Apakah Fabel Cerita Nyata?
Fabel bersifat fiksi sehingga ceritanya tidak nyata. Mengapa disebut cerita fabel? Karena fabel berasal dari bahasa latin fābula yang artinya wacana atau cerita.
Cerita fabel disebut cerita fiksi karena hanya sebuah imajinasi yang diciptakan oleh pengarang atau penulis dengan karakter yang dianggap mewakili sifat manusia.
Bagaimana Sejarah Tercipta Fabel?
Tahukah kamu? Cerita fabel sudah ada sejak zaman kuno, bahkan mungkin sebelum tulisan ditemukan.
Jadi, sejarah cerita fabel pertama kali muncul di Mesopotamia sekitar 2.500 sebelum masehi dengan bentuk puisi tentang binatang yang berbicara dan berperilaku seperti manusia. Setelah itu, cerita fabel kemudian menyebar ke India, Cina, dan Yunani Kuno.
Salah satu tokoh yang terkenal dalam sejarah penciptaan cerita fabel adalah Aesop, yaitu seorang budak Yunani yang hidup pada abad ke-6 sebelum masehi. Aesop terkenal karena kumpulan cerita fabelnya berjudul “Fables” yang memiliki lebih dari 700 cerita pendek.
Cerita-cerita fabel Aesop mostly terinspirasi dari kehidupan sehari-hari masyarakat Yunani Kuno dan dianggap sebagai karya sastra yang paling penting dalam sejarah fabel.
Selain itu, cerita fabel juga menjadi populer di kalangan filsuf-filsuf Yunani Kuno seperti Plato dan Aristotle, yang menggunakan fabel untuk mengilustrasikan konsep-konsep filosofis.
Selama Abad Pertengahan, cerita fabel banyak digunakan sebagai sarana untuk menyampaikan ajaran agama dan moral. Beberapa contoh fabel terkenal dari periode ini adalah “The Ant and the Grasshopper” dan “The Tortoise and the Hare”. Kamu tentu sudah tak asing dengan dua cerita tersebut, kan?
Contoh Cerita Fabel Apa Saja?
Apa saja cerita dongeng hewan? Ini contohnya:
- The Mouse-deer and Crocodile (Si Kancil dan Buaya)
- The Ugly Duckling (Itik Buruk Rupa)
- The Three Little Pigs (Tiga Babi Kecil)
- The Hare and the Tortoise (Kura-kura dan Kelinci)
- The Crow and the Pitcher (Gagak dan Kendi)
- The Lion, the Fox and the Ass (Singa, Rubah dan Keledai)
- The Fisherman and the Little Fish (Nelayan dan Ikan Kecil)
- The Eagle and the Jackdaw (Elang dan Kucica)
- The Stag at the Pool (Rusa di Kolam)
- The City Mouse and the Country Mouse (Tikus Kota dan Tikus Desa)
Dari 10 contoh di atas, mana yang paling sering diceritakan kedua orang tuamu menjelang tidur?
Apa Tujuan dari Cerita Fabel?
Tujuan dari cerita fabel adalah untuk memberikan pesan moral atau pembelajaran tertentu kepada pembaca dan pendengar melalui kisah yang sederhana sehingga mudah dinikmati oleh semua usia.
Seperti yang sudah dibahas sebelumnya, fabel identik dengan karakter binatang yang berperilaku seperti manusia dan mengalami konflik atau masalah dalam cerita. Melalui karakter dan plot tersebut, cerita fabel dapat mengajarkan nilai-nilai seperti kebijaksanaan, kesabaran, kerja keras, persahabatan, kejujuran, dan lain sebagainya.
Maka dari itu, fabel berfungsi untuk menginspirasi orang agar dapat bertindak dengan cara yang lebih baik dan berperilaku sesuai dengan nilai-nilai moral yang berlaku di masyarakat.
Apa Perbedaan Cerita Fabel, Fantasi, Dongeng, dan Cerpen?
Cerita fantasi adalah cerita yang memiliki elemen-elemen fiksi atau khayalan berdasarkan imajinasi pengarang untuk menghibur pembaca atau pendengar. Ciri teks cerita fantasi biasanya memuat tentang keajaiban, keanehan, kemustahilan, atau tokoh unik yang tidak terjadi di dunia nyata.
Pada dasarnya, cerita fantasi bisa disebut juga sebagai dongeng. Tapi dongeng hanya merujuk pada cerita yang bersifat fiktif tanpa memperhatikan nilai edukatif.
Sementara itu, fabel adalah bagian dari cerita fantasi dan dongeng yang tak hanya menghibur, tapi juga bisa memberikan koda, amanat, atau ajaran bagi para pembacanya.
Ketiga jenis cerita di atas bisa dituangkan sebagai cerita pendek, yaitu cerita yang bisa dibaca habis dalam satu kali duduk. Namun, umumnya cerita pendek di majalah menggunakan tokoh manusia, guys.
Kesimpulannya, teks cerita fantasi mencakup seluruh jenis cerita berdasarkan imajinasi penulis, fabel merupakan cerita dengan tokoh utama hewan yang mengandung pesan moral, dan dongeng adalah cerita fantasi yang mengutamakan unsur hiburan melalui berbagai cerita keajaiban, tokohnya bisa hewan atau manusia.
Baca Juga: Cerpen bahasa Inggris: Definisi, Struktur, Ciri, dan Contohnya
Apa Perbedaan dan Persamaan Cerita Fabel dan Cerita Legenda?
Ada beberapa persamaan antara cerita legenda dan fabel, di antaranya:
1. Fabel dan legenda termasuk jenis cerita rakyat, yaitu berupa kisah yang sudah ada sejak lama dan diwariskan dari generasi ke generasi.
2. Keduanya mengandung pesan moral atau pembelajaran yang ingin disampaikan kepada pembaca atau pendengar.
3. Baik fabel ataupun legenda, keduanya memiliki karakter yang tidak benar-benar manusia. Dalam cerita legenda, karakter yang muncul mungkin adalah tokoh-tokoh heroik atau makhluk mitos, sedangkan dalam cerita fabel, karakternya bisa berupa binatang atau benda mati yang memiliki sifat-sifat manusia.
Sementara itu, perbedaan cerita fabel dan legenda adalah, legenda biasanya muncul berdasarkan sejarah atau kepercayaan masyarakat tertentu, sedangkan fabel tidak memiliki latar belakang sejarah yang jelas.
Selain itu, secara alur, umumna cerita legenda lebih panjang dan kompleks, berbeda dengan fabel yang cenderung lebih singkat dan mudah dipahami. Apa saja judul cerita legenda? Contohnya seperti Roro Jonggrang, Danau Toba, Candi Prambanan, dan masih banyak lagi.
Apa Kelebihan Cerita Fabel?
Selain mudah dipahami dan dapat diterima oleh semua kalangan usia, berikut ini beberapa kelebihan cerita fabel lainnya:
1. Fabel dapat membantu pembaca untuk memahami kelemahan dan kekurangan manusia yang mungkin tidak mudah dikenali jika karakternya adalah manusia.
2. Cerita fabel sangat memudahkan anak-anak mendapat pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang orang-orang dan lingkungan sekitar, tata krama yang benar, prinsip hidup, perilaku, dan situasi yang mungkin mereka temui di kehidupan sehari-hari.
3. Memiliki plot, karakter, dan latar yang sederhana sehingga bisa dikonsumsi dalam waktu yang singkat (bisa habis sekali duduk).
Struktur Teks Fabel Apa Saja?
Secara umum, generic structure of fable terdiri dari empat bagian, yaitu orientation, conflict, resolution, dan moral. Mari lihat penjelasannya di bawah ini:
1. Orientation (Introduction of Character and Setting/ Information/ Short Exposition)
Orientation adalah bagian perkenalan tokoh dan latar yang akan muncul pada cerita. Dalam hal ini, pada paragraf awal akan disebutkan hewan apa saja yang menjadi tokoh utama, di mana latar tempatnya (apakah di hutan, danau, sungai gunung, pedesaan dan lain sebagainya), kapan cerita tersebut berlangsung (e.g. satu abad yang lalu).
Selain itu, kamu juga bisa mengenalkan latar suasana atau tema di bagian orientasi.
2. Complication
Setelah mengenal karakter dan setting, cerita akan mulai masuk ke bagian complication. Namun, struktur ini terdiri dari beberapa bagian, yaitu:
- Rising Action (Leads to The Conflict)
Sederhananya, rising action adalah bagian kalimat atau paragraf yang mengantarkan tokoh menuju sebuah permasalahan.
- Conflict (A Moment of Choice)
Conflict adalah momen di mana kedua tokoh sudah terjun ke dalam sebuah konflik.
3. Falling Action (Final Action) / Resolution
Final action ini bisa juga disebut sebagai resolution, yaitu paragraf mengenai akibat konflik yang dirasakan para tokoh, serta hasil akhir atau pemecahan masalah dari konflik tersebut.
4. Moral (Lesson of The Story) / Koda
Struktur terakhir yang wajib ada dalam cerita fabel adalah koda. Kenapa struktur teks fabel ada koda? Karena koda adalah pesan moral, amanat, atau nilai-nilai hidup yang menjadi hikmah dari teks fabel, dan ini tentu sesuai dengan tujuan cerita fabel itu sendiri.
Jenis Fabel Dibagi Menjadi Berapa?
Cerita fabel ada berapa? Jenis cerita fabel terdiri dari 6 jenis, yaitu fabel klasik atau tradisional, fabel modern, fabel alami, fabel adaptasi, fabel berkoda, dan fabel tanpa koda. Berikut penjelasannya:
A. Fabel Menurut Waktu Kemunculannya
1. Fabel Klasik/Fabel Tradisional
Fabel klasik atau fabel tradisional merupakan cerita yang muncul sejak zaman dahulu kala dan sering kali dihubungkan dengan cerita rakyat.
Contoh fabel klasik adalah fabel Aesop, yang berasal dari Yunani kuno dan termasuk beberapa fabel yang paling terkenal seperti “The Tortoise and the Hare” dan “The Ant and the Grasshopper”.
2. Fabel Modern
Sesuai namanya, fabel modern adalah jenis fabel yang hadir dalam waktu yang lebih baru. Fabel yang satu ini kerap menceritakan tentang perubahan sosial dan budaya yang terjadi pada masa tertentu.
Contoh fabel modern adalah “Animal Farm” oleh George Orwell, yang menggunakan binatang untuk menggambarkan revolusi Bolshevik dan pengambilalihan kekuasaan oleh Stalin di Uni Soviet.
B. Fabel Berdasarkan Watak dan Latar
1. Fabel Alami
Jika kamu membaca cerita fabel yang menggunakan watak tokoh binatang dan alam sebagai latarnya, maka itu disebut dengan fabel alami.
Contoh, ada cerita fabel dengan tokoh singa yang ganas dan selalu jadi pemimpin. Atau ada capybara yang ramah dan mudah bergaul dengan berbagai jenis hewan, dan lain-lain.
Selain itu, fabel alami juga ditandai dengan latar alam seperti sungai, hutan, gurun, danau, laut, rawa, padang pasir, etc.
Contoh jenis fabel alami yang sangat terkenal lagi-lagi adalah kisah Semut dan Belalang yang menggambarkan perbedaan antara kerja keras dan kebodohan. Semut bekerja keras dan mengumpulkan makanan untuk musim dingin, sementara belalang hanya bermain-main. Lalu ketika musim dingin tiba, belalang kelaparan dan meminta bantuan dari semut.
2. Fabel Adaptasi
Kamu pasti sudah familiar dengan kartun Tom and Jerry, kan? Nah, kartun tersebut bisa dikategorikan sebagai fabel adaptasi. Fabel adaptasi adalah perpindahan, penyesuaian, atau penerjemahan sebuah cerita lama menjadi cerita baru.
Jadi, pada fabel adaptasi, karakter dari setiap tokoh hewan dan latar cerita akan diubah jadi mirip seperti kehidupan manusia dan tidak sesuai dengan watak alamiah mereka.
Misal singa bisa jadi digambarkan sebagai sosok yang penakut, kemudian latar tempat terjadi di pedesaan, pasar, sekolah, rumah, dan lain sebagainya.
Contoh fabel adaptasi adalah “The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse” yang menggambarkan perbedaan gaya hidup antara seekor tikus desa dan seekor tikus kota.
C. Fabel Dilihat dari Letak Pesannya
1. Fabel dengan Koda
Sederhananya, fabel dengan koda selalu menambahkan pesan moral atau ajaran di akhir cerita secara tersurat alias tertulis. Contoh fabel dengan koda adalah “The Boy Who Cried Wolf” yang mengajarkan pentingnya kejujuran dan konsistensi dalam ucapan.
2. Fabel Tanpa Koda
Nah, fabel tanpa koda sebetulnya tetap mengandung pesan moral, tapi pengarang tidak menuliskannya secara gamblang. Artinya, koda pada jenis fabel ini biasanya tertuang secara eksplisit atau tersirat dalam keseluruhan cerita.
Contoh fabel tanpa koda adalah “The Fox and the Grapes” yang hanya bercerita tentang seekor rubah yang tidak bisa mencapai buah anggur yang diinginkannya dan kemudian mengatakan bahwa buah itu tidak enak.
Apa Saja Ciri Kebahasaan Teks Fabel?
1. Menggunakan verb (kata kerja) aktif transitive dan intransitive
Fabel sering menggunakan kata kerja aktif transitive dan intransitive untuk menjelaskan tindakan tokoh dalam cerita.
Kata kerja aktif transitive digunakan ketika ada objek yang menerima tindakan dari subjek, sedangkan kata kerja aktif intransitive tidak membutuhkan objek untuk menerima tindakan dari subjek.
- Contoh fabel dengan kata kerja aktif transitive:
The fox tried to get the grapes but failed. - Contoh kalimat dengan kata kerja aktif intransitive:
The hare ran very fast but the tortoise won the race.
Baca Juga: 11 Tipe Kata Kerja Bahasa Inggris (Verb) Beserta Contohnya
2. Memakai transitive active sentence dan intransitive active sentence
Sebetulnya poin ini tak jauh berbeda dengan poin pertama, tetapi kita lebih fokus pada jenis kalimatnya, yaitu kalimat aktif.
Jadi, transitive active sentence digunakan ketika subjek melakukan tindakan pada objek, sedangkan intransitive active sentence digunakan ketika subjek melakukan tindakan tanpa objek.
- Contoh transitive active sentence:
The mouse saved the lion from the hunter’s trap. - Contoh intransitive active sentence:
The boy lied about the wolf and the villagers didn’t believe him anymore.
Bisa kita lihat bahwa kedua contoh kalimat di atas bentuknya adalah kalimat aktif. Lihat perbedaan kedua kalimat tersebut melalui artikel Mengenal Active Voice (Kalimat Aktif) dan Passive Voice (Kalimat Pasif)
3. Terdapat adverb of time dan adverb of place
Kamu masih ingat, kan? Adverb adalah bagian dari part of speech yang berfungsi sebagai kata keterangan. Pada cerita fabel bahasa Inggris, jenis adverb yang sering digunakan adalah adverb of time dan adverb of place.
Adverb of time digunakan untuk menggambarkan kapan suatu peristiwa terjadi, sedangkan adverb of place digunakan untuk menggambarkan di mana suatu peristiwa terjadi.
- Contoh kalimat dengan adverb of time:
The ant worked hard all summer and stored food for the winter. - Contoh kalimat mengandung adverb of place:
The town mouse invited the country mouse to his house in the city.
Baca Juga: Adverb (Kata Keterangan) dan Jenis-jenisnya dalam Bahasa Inggris
4. Selalu memiliki adjectives atau kata sifat dalam setiap ceritanya
Dalam fabel, adjectives atau kata sifat digunakan untuk menggambarkan karakter tokoh atau objek dalam cerita. Adjectives dapat menggambarkan sifat fisik maupun emosi tokoh yang terlibat.
Contoh kalimat:
The duckling was ridiculed by the other animals because of his appearance, but he grew up to be a beautiful swan.
Adjective dari kalimat di atas adalah beautiful untuk menambah keterangan dari swan sebagai noun (kata benda).
Baca Juga: Noun (Kata Benda): Pengertian, Jenis-Jenis, Contoh, dan Penggunaannya
5. Identik dengan article untuk mengawali penyebutan setiap tokoh
Kamu seharusnya sudah familiar, dari semua contoh kalimat cerita fabel di atas, sebagian besar penyebutan tokoh diawali dengan kata “The”.
Jadi, cerita fabel bahasa Inggris memang selalu menggunakan article seperti “the” atau “a” untuk mengawali penyebutan setiap karakter dalam cerita.
Artikel digunakan untuk menunjukkan status atau peran tokoh dalam cerita tersebut, guys. Kita sudah pernah membahas ini melalui Berbagai Jenis Determiner dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Contohnya
Contoh kalimatnya:
The boy kept lying to the villagers about the wolf.
6. Menyambungkan setiap kronologi kejadian dengan conjunction
Masih ingat arti dari conjunction? Yap, conjunction adalah kata hubung. Conjunction yang sering digunakan dalam cerita fabel adalah “and” atau “but” untuk menyambungkan setiap kejadian dalam cerita.
Contoh kalimat:
The clever Fox outsmarted the strong and brave Lion by using his wit and cunningness.
Baca Juga: Conjunction: Konjungsi Bahasa Inggris
7. Ada synonym dan antonym untuk menggambarkan karakter tokoh, objek, atau situasi dan kondisi dalam cerita
Dalam fabel, sinonim dan antonim sering digunakan untuk menggambarkan karakter tokoh atau objek, serta situasi kondisi dalam cerita. Hal ini bertujuan untuk memberikan variasi dalam penggunaan kata, plus membentuk gambaran yang lebih jelas tentang tokoh atau objek tersebut.
Misalnya, di cerita “The Boy Who Cried Wolf,” kata-kata seperti “lying” dan “deceiving” digunakan sebagai sinonim dari kata “crying wolf” untuk menggambarkan karakter si anak yang sering berbohong.
Baca Juga: 178 Daftar Persamaan Kata Bahasa Inggris (Synonym) yang Umum Digunakan
Apa Saja Ciri Ciri Fabel?
Berikut ini beberapa karakteristik cerita fabel:
1. Karakter dalam fabel seringkali berupa hewan antropomorfik atau makhluk bukan manusia yang menunjukkan sifat literal dan meniru perilaku manusia, tentu tokoh utamanya adalah hewan. Biasanya fabel hanya terdiri dari dua sampai tiga karakter.
2. Pelajaran yang disampaikan bersifat universal, berlaku untuk anak-anak, remaja, sampai dewasa.
3. Fabel biasanya memiliki nada humor dalam menggambarkan pikiran dan tindakan manusia.
4. Konflik yang dialami hewan dalam cerita fabel melambangkan perilaku manusia, seringkali bertujuan untuk mengkritik tindakan seseorang.
5. Umumnya ada narator orang ketiga yang tidak terlibat langsung dalam aksi cerita.
6. Setiap karakter tidak dijelaskan secara rinci karena alur ceritanya yang singkat.
Langkah Mengurutkan Cerita Fabel
Jika kamu ingin menulis sebuah cerita fabel, cobalah beberapa langkah di bawah ini:
1. Menjadikan peristiwa real sebagai inspirasi ide menulis
Karena pada dasarnya hewan dalam fabel mewakili sifat dan sikap manusia, maka sebetulnya kamu bisa mengembangkan cerita di kehidupan nyata untuk membuat cerita fabel.
2. Ambil konflik yang sering terjadi di kehidupan sehari-hari
Setiap orang pasti pernah mengalami konflik atau masalah. Dalam hal ini, cobalah untuk mengambil satu konflik sederhana yang pernah kamu alami.
3. Garis bawahi pesan moral yang ingin disampaikan pada pembaca
Sebelum menulis ceritanya, tentukan terlebih dahulu apa ajaran atau koda yang ingin kamu berikan pada para pembaca.
4. Pilih jenis cerita, latar dan tokohnya
Jika sudah menyusun tema sampai koda, pilih jenis fabel mana yang cocok untuk mengemas ide ceritamu. Ini penting karena akan berpengaruh dengan pemilihan jenis hewan dan juga latar tempat yang akan digunakan dalam cerita.
5. Tulis dan kembangkan alur cerita sesuai struktur
Sudah selesai membuat konsep cerita dan pemilihan tokohnya? Saatnya eksekusi! Ingat, tambahkan dialog agar karakter tokoh jadi lebih hidup, serta perhatikan language features-nya, terutama jika kamu menuliskan cerita fabel dalam bahasa Inggris.
15 Contoh Naskah Cerita Fabel Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya
1. Cerita Fabel Singkat Bahasa Inggris
The Ant and the Grasshopper
Once upon a time, in a sunny field, there lived an ant and a grasshopper. The ant worked hard every day, gathering food for the winter. The grasshopper, on the other hand, spent his days singing and dancing, enjoying the sunshine. One day, the grasshopper realized that winter was coming and he had nothing to eat. He went to the ant’s house and asked for some food, but the ant refused, reminding him of all the times he had wasted his summer. The grasshopper regretted his foolishness and learned the importance of hard work and planning for the future.
As the winter went on, the ant stayed warm and well-fed, while the grasshopper shivered in the cold and starved. Finally, the grasshopper couldn’t take it anymore and went back to the ant, begging for help. This time, the ant took pity on him and shared some of his food. The grasshopper apologized for his laziness and promised to work hard in the future.
From that day on, the grasshopper became a diligent worker, just like the ant. He understood that there was a time for work and a time for play, and he had to balance them both. He also realized that he could rely on his friends in times of need, but he couldn’t always expect them to bail him out of his own mistakes. The ant and the grasshopper became good friends and worked together to prepare for the next winter.
2. Contoh Fabel Bahasa Inggris
The Tortoise and The Hare
In a forest, there lived a tortoise and a hare. The hare was very proud of his speed and often boasted about it. The tortoise, on the other hand, was slow but steady. One day, the hare challenged the tortoise to a race. The tortoise accepted the challenge and the race began. The hare quickly got ahead, but he became overconfident and took a nap. Meanwhile, the tortoise continued to move forward, slowly but steadily. When the hare woke up, he realized that the tortoise was almost at the finish line. He tried to run as fast as he could, but it was too late. The tortoise won the race and taught the hare a valuable lesson about humility and perseverance.
The hare was embarrassed by his defeat and couldn’t believe that he had lost to such a slow creature. He decided to challenge the tortoise to another race, hoping to redeem himself. This time, the hare didn’t stop to take a nap and ran as fast as he could. However, the tortoise still won the race, much to the hare’s surprise. The hare realized that speed alone wasn’t enough and that perseverance and determination were just as important.
The tortoise and the hare became good friends and continued to race each other from time to time. The hare learned to respect the tortoise’s abilities and the tortoise learned to appreciate the hare’s speed. Together, they showed that it’s not about who wins the race, but how you run it.
3. Cerita Fabel Hewan Bahasa Inggris
The Lion and the Mouse
In a jungle, a mighty lion caught a small mouse. The mouse begged for mercy and promised to help the lion in the future. The lion laughed at the idea, but decided to let the mouse go. Later, the lion got caught in a hunter’s trap and couldn’t free himself. The mouse heard his roar and rushed to help. Using his sharp teeth, the mouse chewed through the ropes and freed the lion. The lion was grateful and realized that even the smallest creatures can be helpful.
From that day on, the lion and the mouse became good friends. The lion learned to appreciate the mouse’s courage and quick thinking, and the mouse learned to not judge others based on their size. They worked together to protect their jungle from danger and became an unlikely but strong duo.
One day, the lion and the mouse heard the cries of a trapped elephant. They rushed to help and found the elephant caught in a hunter’s trap. The lion and the mouse worked together to free the elephant, using their combined strength and agility. The elephant was amazed by their teamwork and thanked them for their help.
The lion, the mouse, and the elephant became good friends and decided to work together to protect the jungle. They formed a strong alliance and used their unique skills to overcome any obstacle. They taught the other animals in the jungle the importance of cooperation and friendship, and the jungle became a peaceful and prosperous place.
4. Dongeng Fabel Bahasa Inggris
The Fox and the Crow
In a forest, a crow was sitting on a tree branch, holding a piece of cheese in her beak. A fox saw the cheese and decided to trick the crow into dropping it. The fox complimented the crow’s beautiful voice and asked her to sing for him. The crow, flattered by the praise, opened her beak to sing. As she did, the cheese fell out and the fox quickly grabbed it and ran away. The crow realized that she had been tricked and felt foolish.
The fox thought he had gotten away with his trickery, but he soon learned that karma had caught up with him. He ate the cheese too quickly and got a painful stomachache. He realized that his greed had caused him to suffer, and he felt guilty for what he had done to the crow.
The crow learned a valuable lesson about not trusting flattery and keeping her guard up. She also learned that she shouldn’t let her guard down when she has something valuable, and to be cautious of those who seem too friendly.
The fox also learned a valuable lesson about honesty and not taking advantage of others. He realized that his actions had consequences and that he needed to make amends for what he had done. He apologized to the crow and promised to never trick anyone again.
5. Contoh Dongeng Fabel Bahasa Inggris
The Goose That Laid the Golden Eggs
In a farm, there lived a farmer who owned a goose that laid golden eggs. Every day, the goose would lay a golden egg, and the farmer became very rich. However, the farmer grew greedy and wanted more gold. He thought that the goose must have a huge store of gold inside her, and he wanted to get it all at once. He decided to kill the goose and cut her open to get all the gold.
But when he killed the goose, he found no gold inside. He realized that his greed had cost him everything, and he had lost his source of wealth. He learned a valuable lesson about appreciating what he had and not letting greed get the best of him.
The moral of the story is that greed can lead to ruin and that it’s important to be content with what we have.
6. Contoh Fabel Singkat Bahasa Inggris
The Clever Spider and the Greedy Flies
Once upon a time, in a forest far away, lived a clever spider who was famous for her wits and wisdom. One day, as she was spinning her web, she saw a group of flies buzzing around a ripe fruit. The spider knew that they were greedy and would not stop until they had eaten all the fruit. So, she decided to teach them a lesson.
The spider approached the flies and said, “Why don’t you share the fruit with me? I can’t eat it all by myself.” The flies were surprised by the spider’s generosity and agreed to share the fruit with her. However, as soon as they landed on the fruit, the spider trapped them in her web.
The flies were angry and accused the spider of tricking them. But the spider calmly replied, “You were too greedy to share the fruit, so I had to teach you a lesson. Now, you will have to stay here until I decide to let you go.”
The flies realized their mistake and begged the spider for forgiveness. They promised never to be greedy again, and the spider released them from her web.
From that day on, the flies became good friends with the spider, and they often shared their food with her. And the spider, in turn, taught them valuable lessons about sharing and cooperation.
7. Cerita Fabel Pendek Bahasa Inggris
The Wise Elephant and the Foolish Monkeys
In a dense jungle, there lived a wise elephant who was respected by all the animals. One day, a group of monkeys approached the elephant and said, “We want to be as wise as you, can you teach us your ways?”
The elephant agreed to teach the monkeys but warned them that wisdom came with age and experience. However, the monkeys were impatient and wanted to learn quickly.
The elephant decided to teach them a lesson and took them to a riverbank. There, he picked up a rock and threw it into the river. He then asked the monkeys, “What did you see?”
The monkeys replied, “We saw the rock fall into the river and create ripples.”
The elephant then picked up another rock and threw it into the river again. This time, he asked the monkeys, “What did you learn?”
The monkeys were confused and said, “We saw the rock fall into the river and create ripples, but we don’t understand what we’re supposed to learn.”
The wise elephant replied, “Just like the rock, your actions have a ripple effect on others. If you do good, it will create positive ripples, and if you do bad, it will create negative ripples. So, always think before you act.”
The monkeys understood the lesson and promised to be wiser from that day on.
8. Contoh Cerita Fabel Singkat Bahasa Inggris
The Proud Peacock and the Humble Sparrow
In a lush garden, there lived a proud peacock who was admired by all the animals for his beautiful feathers. One day, a humble sparrow approached the peacock and said, “Your feathers are indeed beautiful, but do you think they are more important than your virtues?”
The peacock was offended by the sparrow’s words and said, “Of course, my feathers are more important than anything else. They are the reason why I am so admired.”
The sparrow replied, “But what use are your feathers if they do not reflect your inner beauty?”
The peacock was ashamed of his arrogance and decided to change his ways. He began to focus on his virtues and started to help other animals in need.
Soon, the peacock realized that his virtues were more important than his feathers, and he became a respected member of the animal kingdom. And the humble sparrow became his true friend, guiding him to become a better peacock.
9. Contoh Teks Fabel Bahasa Inggris
The Brave Lion and the Cunning Hyena
In a savannah, there lived a brave lion who was known for his courage and strength. One day, while on his patrol, he came across a cunning hyena who was stealing food from a nearby village.
The lion approached the hyena and asked him to stop. But the hyena, who was quick-witted, said, “Why should I listen to you? You are just a cowardly lion who is afraid of his own shadow.”
The lion was offended by the hyena’s words and challenged him to a race. He said, “Let’s see who can run faster, and the winner gets to keep the food.”
The hyena agreed to the challenge, and the race began. The lion ran as fast as he could, but the hyena used his cunning and tricked the lion by taking a shortcut.
The hyena reached the finish line first and claimed the food. But the lion was not happy with the hyena’s dishonesty and decided to teach him a lesson.
The lion challenged the hyena to another race but this time, he said, “Let’s race to the village and back, and the winner gets to keep the food.”
The hyena agreed to the challenge, and the race began. But this time, the lion ran towards the village, while the hyena took the shortcut again.
However, the lion had already made a plan with the villagers, and they were waiting for him with their weapons. As soon as the hyena reached the village, the villagers caught him and punished him for stealing their food.
The hyena realized his mistake and apologized to the lion for his cunning. And the lion forgave him and taught him the value of honesty and integrity.
10. Cerita Fabel Bahasa Inggris
The Generous Camel and the Selfish Jackals
In the desert, there lived a generous camel who was known for his kindness and compassion. One day, a group of jackals approached the camel and asked him for food.
The camel, who was always happy to help others, agreed to share his food with them. But the jackals were selfish and greedy, and they wanted all the food for themselves.
So, the jackals came up with a plan to trick the camel. They said, “We cannot eat this food without washing it. Can you take us to the nearest river?”
The camel agreed to take them to the river, but as soon as they reached the river, the jackals attacked the camel and ate all the food.
The camel was hurt and saddened by the jackals’ behavior but decided to teach them a lesson. He asked them to follow him, and they walked for miles until they reached an oasis.
There, the camel showed them how to find food and water in the desert and taught them the value of sharing and cooperation.
The jackals realized their mistake and apologized to the camel for their greed. And from that day on, they became good friends with the generous camel.
11. Cerita Pendek Fabel Bahasa Inggris
The Wise Owl and the Lost Squirrel
In a dense forest, there lived a wise owl who was known for his wisdom and knowledge. One day, a lost squirrel approached the owl and asked him for directions.
The owl, who was always happy to help others, asked the squirrel where he was headed. The squirrel replied, “I am looking for a tree with the sweetest berries in the forest.”
The owl smiled and said, “I know where that tree is, but it’s a dangerous journey. You will have to cross a river, climb a mountain, and avoid the traps set by the hunters.”
The squirrel was scared but determined to find the sweetest berries in the forest. So, the owl decided to accompany him on his journey.
They crossed the river, climbed the mountain, and avoided the traps set by the hunters. Finally, they reached the tree with the sweetest berries in the forest.
But the squirrel was surprised to see that the tree was guarded by a ferocious tiger. The owl whispered to the squirrel, “Don’t worry, I have a plan.”
The owl flew towards the tiger and started to make a loud noise. The tiger was scared and confused and started to run away. Meanwhile, the squirrel climbed the tree and ate the sweetest berries in the forest.
The squirrel was happy and grateful to the wise owl for helping him find the sweetest berries in the forest. He asked the owl, “How did you know what to do?”
The owl replied, “I have lived in this forest for a long time and have learned to use my wisdom and knowledge to help others. Remember, it’s not just about finding the sweetest berries, but it’s also about the journey and the lessons we learn along the way.”
12. Cerpen Fabel Bahasa Inggris
The Bragging Peacock and the Humble Sparrow
In a garden, there lived a peacock who was known for his beautiful feathers and his love for attention. He would often boast about his beauty and would make fun of the other birds in the garden.
One day, a humble sparrow approached the peacock and asked him why he was so proud. The peacock replied, “Look at my feathers, aren’t they the most beautiful in the garden?”
The sparrow smiled and said, “Your feathers may be beautiful, but they don’t make you a better bird. It’s your actions and your character that define who you are.”
The peacock was offended and challenged the sparrow to a race. He said, “Let’s see who can fly the highest, and the winner will be declared the best bird in the garden.”
The sparrow agreed to the challenge, and the race began. The peacock flew high in the sky, showing off his feathers, while the sparrow flew close to the ground, using his speed and agility.
As they were racing, the peacock got tired and realized that his feathers were weighing him down. Meanwhile, the sparrow was still flying strong and reached the finish line first.
The peacock was ashamed of his behavior and apologized to the sparrow for his arrogance. He learned that beauty is not just about appearances, but it’s also about inner qualities like humility, kindness, and compassion.
13. Dongeng Fabel Singkat Bahasa Inggris
The Resourceful Elephant and the Arrogant Rhino
In a jungle, there lived a resourceful elephant who was known for his intelligence and problem-solving skills. One day, an arrogant rhino approached the elephant and challenged him to a competition.
The rhino said, “I am the strongest and most powerful animal in the jungle. Let’s see who can knock down the most trees, and the winner will be declared the best animal in the jungle.”
The elephant agreed to the challenge and started to knock down the trees with his trunk. But the rhino was too stubborn and used his horn to knock down the trees.
As they were competing, the jungle started to flood, and the animals were in danger. The elephant quickly came up with a plan and used his trunk to create a dam, which stopped the flood and saved the animals.
The rhino was surprised by the elephant’s resourcefulness and apologized for his arrogance. He learned that strength is not just about physical power, but it’s also about intelligence and problem-solving skills.
14. Contoh Cerita Fabel Bahasa Inggris Singkat
The Curious Giraffe and the Wise Elephant
In a savannah, there lived a curious giraffe who was always asking questions and exploring new things. One day, he approached a wise elephant and asked him, “Why are you the wisest animal in the savannah?”
The elephant smiled and said, “I am not the wisest animal in the savannah, but I have lived here for a long time and have learned from my experiences. Wisdom comes from learning and applying that knowledge to make better decisions.”
The giraffe was intrigued and asked the elephant to share some of his wisdom. The elephant said, “One of the most important lessons I have learned is that we are all connected in this world. Every action we take has a ripple effect on the environment and the other animals around us. That’s why it’s important to be mindful and considerate of our actions.”
The giraffe was grateful for the elephant’s wise words and promised to apply them in his life. He learned that wisdom is not just about knowledge, but it’s also about the ability to apply that knowledge to make positive changes in the world.
15. Contoh Cerita Fabel Pendek
The Helpful Dolphin and the Selfish Shark
In the ocean, there lived a helpful dolphin who was known for his kindness and generosity. One day, a selfish shark approached the dolphin and asked him for help.
The shark said, “I have injured my fin, and I can’t swim properly. Can you help me reach the other side of the ocean?”
The dolphin agreed to help and carried the shark on his back. As they were swimming, the shark started to attack the dolphin, trying to kill him.
The dolphin was surprised and asked the shark why he was doing this. The shark replied, “I am a predator, and you are my prey. I only asked for your help to get closer to my next meal.”
The dolphin was disappointed and hurt by the shark’s betrayal. He realized that not everyone is kind and helpful like him, and he learned to be more cautious and mindful of the people he helps.
Woah, akhirnya selesai! Materi cerita fabel ini cukup panjang ya, guys. Tapi.. hopefully kamu mendapat pengetahuan yang lebih banyak soal fabel khususnya dalam bahasa Inggris.
Anyway, cerita fabel bisa jadi salah satu media buat upgrade reading skill bahasa Inggris kamu, loh. Soalnya, fabel memiliki alur cerita yang singkat, means nggak bikin kamu jadi cepat bosan.
Tapi, belajar bahasa inggris dari cerita fabel aja nggak cukup. However, bakal lebih afdol kalau belajar sesuatu itu didampingi langsung sama ahlinya, kayak di English Academy.
Di sana, ada guru lokal dan internasional yang siap bikin kamu jago bahasa Inggris dengan kurikulum internasional Cambridge! Kira-kira, kelas mana yang cocok untukmu? Cek dulu di Placement Test, yuk! Gratis dan bersertifikat!