15 Contoh Discussion Text Bahasa Inggris Beserta Strukturnya

Contoh Discussion Text

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Yap, ini merupakan salah satu aktivitas yang tentunya sering kita adopsi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

Nah, as we know, umumnya, diskusi yang serius atau bersifat formal akan melahirkan banyak opini dari semua pihak yang terlibat. Maka dari itu, untuk mendapat hasil yang maksimal, semua opini tersebut akan dirangkum dan disimpulkan melalui discussion text.

Bagaimana contohnya? Simak artikel ini sampai akhir ya!


Discussion Text Definition (Pengertian Teks Diskusi)

Discussion text adalah adalah jenis teks yang bertujuan untuk menyajikan informasi mengenai suatu topik dengan menguraikan argumen-argumen pro dan kontra dari penulis.  

Tujuan dari discussion text adalah memberikan pemahaman menyeluruh tentang isu atau topik tersebut, dan pada akhirnya, membujuk pembaca untuk memahami dan menerima pandangan yang disampaikan dalam teks. 

Contoh discussion text adalah pembahasan mengenai The Impact of Social Media on Society dan Impact of E-Learning on Traditional Education.


Discussion Text Example (Contoh Discussion Text Berbagai Tema)

Di bawah ini, kamu bisa menyimak contoh discussion text berbagai tema beserta strukturnya. Here we go!


Contoh Teks Diskusi Tentang Ekonomi

Globalization’s Impact on Local Economies

Statement of Issue:

The impact of globalization on local economies is a subject of ongoing debate, delving into whether it fosters economic growth or exacerbates inequality within individual countries.

Supporting Argument (Pro):

Proponents of globalization argue that it has several positive impacts on local economies. Market expansion is facilitated by opening up global markets, allowing local businesses to increase sales and contribute to economic growth. Additionally, technological transfer across borders enhances productivity and innovation, fostering economic development. Globalization attracts foreign investments, providing access to capital for infrastructure development and economic projects.

Contrast Argument (Contra):

Critics contend that globalization comes with potential downsides. Income inequality may widen within countries, benefiting certain segments of the population more than others. The outsourcing of jobs to countries with lower labor costs could result in job losses in specific sectors, impacting local employment rates. Furthermore, cultural homogenization may occur as globalized products and values dominate local markets.


To maximize the benefits of globalization while minimizing its negative impacts, policymakers should implement measures that ensure equitable distribution of benefits. Investing in education, skills development, and social safety nets can help mitigate adverse effects on vulnerable populations.


The Role of Technology in Economic Development

Statement of Issue:

Examining the role of technology in economic development involves understanding how technological advancements influence job markets, income distribution, and overall economic growth.

Supporting Argument (Pro):

Advocates for technology’s role in economic development posit that technological advancements contribute positively. Increased productivity across various sectors enhances efficiency, leading to overall economic development. While certain jobs may be replaced, technology creates new opportunities in emerging industries, contributing to job markets. Moreover, technological advancements foster global connectivity, opening new markets and increasing opportunities for economic growth.

Contrast Argument (Contra):

However, there are challenges associated with technology. Automation and technology may lead to job displacement in traditional sectors, potentially causing short-term unemployment. Disparities in access to technology can widen socio-economic gaps, limiting the benefits to certain populations. Rapid technological adoption raises concerns about privacy and data security, impacting public trust in technological systems.


Governments and businesses should invest in upskilling the workforce to adapt to technological changes. Policies addressing the digital divide, ensuring data privacy, and promoting responsible technological innovation are essential for sustainable economic development.


Sustainable Economic Practices

Statement of Issue:

The pursuit of sustainable economic practices involves exploring how economic development can align with environmental and social goals.

Supporting Argument (Pro):

Supporters of sustainable economic practices argue that they contribute positively to development. Responsible resource use minimizes environmental impact and ensures long-term availability. Transitioning to renewable energy sources promotes sustainable development by reducing reliance on non-renewable resources. Additionally, sustainable practices incorporate social responsibility, addressing issues such as fair labor practices and community development.

Contrast Argument (Contra):

Implementing sustainable practices may involve higher initial costs for businesses, affecting short-term profitability. Some industries may resist adopting sustainable practices due to established norms and resistance to change. Achieving sustainability requires global cooperation, and challenges may arise if nations do not collaborate effectively.


Policymakers, businesses, and individuals should prioritize sustainable practices through incentives, regulations, and awareness campaigns. Collaborative efforts on a global scale are essential to address shared environmental challenges and ensure a sustainable future.

Baca Juga: Mengenal Debat Bahasa Inggris (Debate) dan Strukturnya


Teks Diskusi Tentang Pendidikan

Online Learning vs. Traditional Education

Statement of Issue:

The ongoing discourse surrounding online learning and traditional education necessitates a thorough examination of the advantages and disadvantages associated with each, aiming to determine the most effective approach to providing comprehensive education.

Supporting Argument (Pro):

Online learning, with its flexibility and accessibility, enables students to engage with educational materials at their own pace from virtually anywhere. The adaptability of online platforms caters to diverse learning styles, offering a plethora of resources that enhance the overall learning experience. The integration of multimedia elements fosters interactive and personalized learning environments, contributing to increased student engagement.

Contrast Argument (Contra):

Conversely, traditional education, characterized by in-person interactions, cultivates essential interpersonal skills vital for real-world scenarios. The physical classroom environment provides face-to-face engagement opportunities, promoting dynamic discussions and collaborative learning. However, challenges emerge with traditional education, including geographical limitations and potential resource constraints.

Recommendation (Conclusion):

In conclusion, a blended learning model that amalgamates the strengths of both online and traditional education should be embraced. This approach ensures flexibility and personalized learning while preserving the valuable face-to-face interactions that are integral to a holistic educational experience.


The Role of Technology in Education

Statement of Issue:

The evolving role of technology in education demands a comprehensive exploration of its impact on teaching methods, student engagement, and the overall educational landscape.

Supporting Argument (Pro):

Technology enriches teaching methods by providing interactive and multimedia resources that accommodate diverse learning styles. The incorporation of digital tools facilitates real-time feedback, fostering a dynamic and responsive learning process. Additionally, the integration of virtual reality and augmented reality enhances the educational experience by offering immersive and engaging learning environments.

Contrast Argument (Contra):

Nevertheless, over-reliance on technology may lead to passive learning experiences and hinder the development of critical thinking skills. Concerns about the digital divide underscore the potential for technology to exacerbate educational inequalities, as not all students have equal access. Privacy and security concerns also arise, necessitating careful consideration of ethical implications.

Recommendation (Conclusion):

A judicious integration of technology into education, with a focus on enhancing rather than replacing traditional teaching methods, is crucial. Robust strategies addressing the digital divide and ensuring data privacy are imperative to creating an inclusive and effective educational environment.


Inclusive Education Practices

Statement of Issue:

The pursuit of inclusive education practices involves a nuanced examination of strategies and obstacles associated with implementing an inclusive approach to guarantee equitable educational opportunities for all students.

Supporting Argument (Pro):

Inclusive education fosters diversity, creating an environment that nurtures a sense of belonging among students. Personalized support for learners with diverse needs ensures that each student can access quality education. Inclusive classrooms serve as catalysts for preparing students for a more inclusive society, promoting empathy and understanding among peers.

Contrast Argument (Contra):

Despite its merits, inclusive education faces challenges such as limited resources and resistance to change. The successful implementation of inclusive practices requires comprehensive teacher training and a commitment to overcoming societal biases. Striking a balance between academic standards and inclusivity remains a significant hurdle.

Recommendation (Conclusion):

Fostering inclusive education requires a multifaceted approach. Adequate resource allocation, comprehensive teacher training, and societal awareness programs are crucial steps toward creating an inclusive education system that ensures equal opportunities for all students.


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Teks Diskusi Tentang Kesehatan

The Impact of Lifestyle on Health

Statement of Issue:

Understanding the profound influence of lifestyle choices, particularly in areas such as diet and exercise, on one’s overall health and well-being is crucial for fostering a healthier society.

Supporting Argument (Pro):

Adopting a healthy lifestyle, encompassing balanced nutrition and regular physical activity, significantly contributes to preventing chronic diseases and enhancing longevity. Engaging in regular exercise, coupled with a nutritious diet, not only maintains a healthy weight but also bolsters the immune system, reducing the risk of various health ailments.

Contrast Argument (Contra):

However, challenges arise in the form of societal norms, limited access to fresh and nutritious foods, and time constraints that hinder individuals from making healthier lifestyle choices. The prevalence of sedentary lifestyles and unhealthy dietary patterns poses a considerable barrier to achieving optimal health.

Recommendation (Conclusion):

In conclusion, promoting awareness campaigns that emphasize the long-term benefits of adopting a healthier lifestyle is essential. Implementing educational programs, coupled with community initiatives, can empower individuals to make informed choices, leading to improved overall health.


Mental Health Awareness

Statement of Issue:

Recognizing the importance of mental health awareness, reducing associated stigma, and enhancing support systems are vital components of fostering a mentally healthy society.

Supporting Argument (Pro):

Raising awareness about mental health issues helps destigmatize mental health conditions and encourages individuals to seek timely support. By fostering open conversations, societies can contribute to creating supportive environments that prioritize mental well-being. Moreover, enhancing mental health literacy enables early intervention and reduces the prevalence of untreated mental health disorders.

Contrast Argument (Contra):

Yet, challenges persist in the form of societal misconceptions, inadequate mental health education, and limited accessibility to mental health services. Stigma often deters individuals from seeking help, while insufficient resources exacerbate the mental health treatment gap.

Recommendation (Conclusion):

To address these challenges, comprehensive mental health education programs, destigmatization campaigns, and increased accessibility to mental health services are imperative. By prioritizing mental health at societal and institutional levels, we can pave the way for a more compassionate and understanding community.


Access to Healthcare Services

Statement of Issue:

Exploring challenges and solutions related to ensuring equitable access to healthcare services is fundamental for establishing a just and inclusive healthcare system.

Supporting Argument (Pro):

Equitable access to healthcare services is a cornerstone of a thriving society, ensuring that individuals, regardless of socio-economic status, can receive necessary medical care. Eliminating barriers to healthcare, such as geographical constraints and financial burdens, leads to early detection of diseases and improved health outcomes.

Contrast Argument (Contra):

However, disparities persist due to systemic inequalities, limited healthcare infrastructure, and financial barriers. Vulnerable populations often face challenges in accessing healthcare services, leading to delayed diagnoses and inadequate treatment options.

Recommendation (Conclusion):

In conclusion, addressing these disparities requires a multi-faceted approach. Policymakers should focus on implementing policies that enhance healthcare infrastructure, increase funding for underserved communities, and prioritize preventive care. By prioritizing accessibility and inclusivity, societies can work towards establishing a healthcare system that serves everyone equitably.


Teks Diskusi Tentang Lingkungan

Climate Change and Its Consequences

Statement of Issue:

Addressing the causes and consequences of climate change is imperative in the face of this global challenge. This discussion aims to explore potential solutions and adaptation strategies.

Supporting Argument (Pro):

The overwhelming evidence points to human activities, particularly the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation, as significant contributors to climate change. Consequences such as rising global temperatures, extreme weather events, and sea-level rise pose severe threats to ecosystems and human societies. Embracing renewable energy, reforestation, and sustainable land-use practices are crucial steps in mitigating these consequences.

Contrast Argument (Contra):

Yet, obstacles arise in the form of economic interests, political hesitance, and the global nature of the issue. Balancing economic development with environmental sustainability remains a significant hurdle, and the urgency of addressing climate change is often overshadowed by short-term economic priorities.

Recommendation (Conclusion):

In summary, a comprehensive approach involving international collaboration, policy reforms, and individual responsibility is necessary. Governments, businesses, and individuals must collectively commit to sustainable practices, prioritize renewable energy sources, and advocate for policies that address the root causes of climate change.


Biodiversity Conservation

Statement of Issue:

Recognizing the importance of biodiversity and addressing threats to ecosystems are essential components of fostering a sustainable and resilient planet.

Supporting Argument (Pro):

Biodiversity plays a crucial role in ecosystem stability, providing essential services such as pollination, water purification, and climate regulation. Threats such as habitat destruction, pollution, and climate change jeopardize biodiversity. Conservation efforts, including protected areas, sustainable resource management, and awareness campaigns, contribute to preserving the intricate web of life on Earth.

Contrast Argument (Contra):

Despite the evident benefits of biodiversity conservation, obstacles persist due to human activities, inadequate conservation policies, and limited enforcement. Economic interests often clash with biodiversity conservation goals, leading to continued habitat destruction and species extinction.

Recommendation (Conclusion):

In conclusion,  a paradigm shift is needed to prioritize biodiversity conservation in policy and decision-making. Governments must strengthen conservation laws, incentivize sustainable practices, and involve local communities in conservation efforts. Additionally, raising public awareness about the value of biodiversity is vital for building public support for conservation initiatives.


The Role of Individuals in Environmental Conservation

Statement of Issue:

Exploring how individual actions and lifestyle choices can contribute to or mitigate environmental degradation is crucial for building a sustainable future.

Supporting Argument (Pro):

Individuals have the power to drive positive change through daily choices, such as reducing waste, adopting sustainable consumption habits, and advocating for environmentally friendly practices. A collective effort in embracing renewable energy, reducing carbon footprints, and supporting conservation initiatives can significantly impact environmental conservation.

Contrast Argument (Contra):

Challenges arise due to lack of awareness, convenience-driven choices, and limited access to sustainable options. Overcoming ingrained habits and influencing widespread behavioral change remains a considerable hurdle.

Recommendation (Conclusion):

Fostering a sense of environmental responsibility requires education, incentives, and accessible alternatives. Governments, businesses, and communities should collaborate to make sustainable choices more accessible and economically viable. Empowering individuals through information and creating a culture of environmental stewardship will play a pivotal role in achieving widespread environmental conservation.

Baca Juga: Explanation Text: Pengertian, Struktur, Ciri-Ciri, dan Contohnya


Teks Diskusi Tentang Politik

Populism in Modern Politics

Statement of Issue:

Analyzing the rise of populist movements and leaders globally and their impact on political systems is crucial for understanding contemporary political dynamics.

Supporting Argument (Pro):

Populist movements often emerge as a response to perceived elitism, inequality, and dissatisfaction with established political structures. They can give a voice to marginalized groups and foster political engagement. Populist leaders may address issues neglected by traditional politicians, bringing attention to the concerns of the general populace.

Contrast Argument (Contra):

However, the rise of populism can lead to polarization, erosion of democratic norms, and challenges to institutional checks and balances. Populist leaders might exploit divisions, and their simplistic solutions may lack the nuance required for effective governance.

Recommendation (Conclusion):

In conclusion, addressing the root causes of populism involves strengthening democratic institutions, promoting inclusive policies, and fostering political dialogue. Governments and institutions must engage with the concerns of citizens to rebuild trust and prevent the negative consequences associated with extreme forms of populism.


Electoral Systems and Representation

Statement of Issue:

Discussing different electoral systems, their implications, and potential reforms to enhance democratic representation is vital for strengthening democratic governance.

Supporting Argument (Pro):

Various electoral systems offer unique advantages, promoting proportional representation, stability, or direct accountability. Reforming electoral systems can enhance representation by ensuring that diverse voices are heard and that elected officials genuinely reflect the will of the people.

Contrast Argument (Contra):

However, changing electoral systems poses challenges such as potential instability during transitions, resistance from political incumbents, and complexities in educating the public about new systems. Different systems may also lead to unintended consequences, and their effectiveness can vary based on the political context.

Recommendation (Conclusion):

Concluding, comprehensive reviews and transparent discussions on electoral systems can guide informed reforms. Policymakers should consider the specific needs and challenges of their societies while prioritizing inclusivity and fairness to strengthen the democratic process.


Media’s Role in Shaping Political Opinions

Statement of Issue:

Exploring how media influences public perceptions, political discourse, and the democratic process is essential in the contemporary era of information abundance.

Supporting Argument (Pro):

Media serves as a crucial information source, fostering informed citizenship and political engagement. It can provide a platform for diverse voices and hold leaders accountable. In some cases, media plays a pivotal role in exposing corruption and promoting transparency.

Contrast Argument (Contra):

Nevertheless, media can be prone to biases, sensationalism, and misinformation, leading to distorted public perceptions. Social media algorithms may contribute to echo chambers, reinforcing existing beliefs and polarizing societies. The influence of media conglomerates and the potential for manipulation also pose challenges to objective reporting.

Recommendation (Conclusion):

In conclusion, promoting media literacy, supporting independent journalism, and fostering diverse media ownership can mitigate the negative impacts of media influence. Policymakers, media outlets, and the public share a responsibility in cultivating a media landscape that contributes positively to democratic discourse.

Baca Juga: 15 Contoh Analytical Exposition Text dalam Berbagai Tema

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Referensi Gambar: 

Communication brainstorming meeting businesswoman suit [daring]. Tautan: https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/communication-brainstorming-meeting-businesswoman-suit_990840.htm#query=orang%20presentasi%20ramai&position=26&from_view=search&track=ais&uuid=a128524c-e59c-4c4c-8619-32e8950e9fc6 (Diakses: 22 Mei 2024)

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