15 Contoh Explanation Text Bahasa Inggris Beserta Strukturnya

Kalau kamu tertarik dengan fenomena alam, jangan lewatkan bacaan menarik mengenai proses terjadinya gerhana. Nah, bacaan tersebut biasanya berbentuk explanation text. Selain tentang gerhana, kamu bisa menambah wawasan melalui belasan contoh explanation text bahasa Inggris dari English Academy!
Guys, pernah nggak kamu bertanya-tanya, bagaimana, sih, cara pelangi terbentuk? Atau.. mengapa hujan bisa turun dari langit? Kalau pernah, that’s good, karena ada explanation text yang bisa menjawab semua pertanyaanmu.
Fyi, artikel ini akan lebih banyak menambah pengetahuanmu dengan berbagai contoh teks eksplanasi beserta strukturnya. Jadi, kamu bisa mendapat asupan bacaan yang berkualitas sembari melatih English skill. Tenang, kita sama-sama remind terlebih dahulu mengenai definisi dari explanation text ya. Enjoy!
Apa itu Explanation Text?
Teks eksplanasi atau explanation text adalah jenis teks untuk memberikan pemahaman yang rinci mengenai suatu proses. Tujuan utama dari explanation text yaitu menjelaskan bagaimana atau mengapa sesuatu terjadi atau bekerja. Misal, bagaimana sebuah panel surya bisa menghasilkan listrik?
Lalu, perlu kamu catat bahwa, ciri khas dari explanation text adalah informasinya selalu disajikan dengan logis dan berurutan untuk membantu pembaca lebih mudah memahami isi tulisan.
Baca Juga: Explanation Text: Pengertian, Struktur, Ciri-Ciri, dan Contohnya
Generic Structure Explanation Text
Terdapat 5 struktur dalam explanation text, yaitu title, general statement, series of sequenced, conclusion, visual. Berikut penjelasannya:
1. Title (Judul)
Judul memberikan gambaran singkat tentang topik atau fenomena yang akan dijelaskan dalam teks. Contoh ‘What causes a tsunami?’
2. General statement (Pernyataan umum)
Paragraf ini memberikan pengantar umum tentang topik yang akan dijelaskan secara singkat. Pernyataan umum ini dapat berupa pengenalan pendek atau pemahaman sedikit latar belakang dari topik yang akan diuraikan.
3. Series of Sequenced (Paragraf berkesinambungan)
Seri paragraf merupakan penjelasan secara terurut mengenai bagaimana atau mengapa suatu hal bisa terjadi. Nantinya, setiap paragraf akan ditulis dengan pola hubungan sebab akibat yang saling tersambung dari awal sampai akhir. Oh ya, urutan paragraf ini membantu pembaca untuk mengikuti alur penjelasan dengan baik.
4. Conclusion (Paragraf penutup / kesimpulan)
Pada bagian paragraf penutup, kamu bisa merangkum kembali poin-poin utama yang telah dijelaskan, dan tulislah paragraf yang memberikan kesan bahwa semua informasi dalam explanation text tersebut memang valid.
5. Visual
Umumnya, visual dalam explanation text dibuat dan direpresentasikan melalui diagram atau flowchart yang dapat membantu pembaca memahami konsep dengan lebih baik. Tapi, biasanya bagian ini bersifat opsional, tergantung apa topik yang akan dibahas.
Baca Juga: 30 Contoh Descriptive Text Singkat Bahasa Inggris
Gimana, kamu udah ter-recall dengan penjelasan singkat seputar explanation text? Eits, tapi kamu juga bisa mendapatkan penjelasan lebih lengkap tentang explanation text dan materi lainnya bersama Master Teacher yang mantap dari English Academy by Ruangguru, lho! Yuk, cobain Kelas Gratis-nya!
Contoh Explanation Text in English
Review singkat soal pengertian explanation text sudah selesai. Sekarang, mari kita baca contoh teks eksplanasi bahasa Inggris dalam tema yang beragam!
Contoh Explanation Text Singkat
Snow Formation
Within the realm of meteorology, the formation of snow is a complex process rooted in the interplay of temperature, humidity, and atmospheric conditions. It commences when supercooled water droplets freeze onto ice nuclei, forming ice crystals. These crystals then undergo further growth through the accretion of water vapor. As these intricate ice structures fall through the atmosphere, they accumulate additional moisture, resulting in the unique and varied snowflakes that grace our winter l2andscapes. Understanding the intricacies of snow formation provides insights into regional climates and weather patterns.
How Vaccine Works
Vaccines operate as sophisticated biological tools, training the immune system to recognize and combat specific pathogens. They typically contain harmless fragments or inactivated forms of the targeted virus or bacteria. Upon vaccination, the immune system generates a response, producing antibodies and memory cells tailored to the pathogen. In subsequent encounters with the actual infectious agent, the immune system can mount a swift and effective defense, preventing or mitigating the severity of the disease. The efficacy of vaccines relies on the orchestrated interaction of immune cells, antibodies, and memory responses.
Amidst the intricate dance of nature, photosynthesis emerges as a solar alchemy, transforming sunlight into the essential sustenance for plant life. Chlorophyll, the green pigment within chloroplasts, orchestrates a symphony of biochemical reactions, converting carbon dioxide and water into glucose. This transformative process not only fuels the vitality of plants but also releases life-enabling oxygen into our atmosphere. In contemplating this botanical marvel, we gain insights into the foundational role of photosynthesis in sustaining life on Earth. Appreciating the solar alchemy of photosynthesis unveils the ingenious design of nature, where sunlight becomes the catalyst for life’s sustenance.
Global Warming: Earth’s Climate in Flux
Within the dynamic narrative of Earth’s climate, global warming emerges as a pivotal chapter, driven by the escalating concentrations of greenhouse gasses. Human activities, notably the combustion of fossil fuels, intensify the greenhouse effect, leading to a rise in average global temperatures. The consequences manifest in altered weather patterns, rising sea levels, and ecological disruptions. As we navigate this shifting climate canvas, understanding the scientific intricacies of global warming becomes paramount in fostering resilience and mitigating its widespread impact.
Nature’s hydrological ballet unfolds in the form of floods, where excessive rainfall or river overflow transforms landscapes in a choreography of dynamic forces. These inundations, while crucial for ecosystem renewal, pose substantial risks to human settlements. Delving into the hydrodynamics of floods not only enhances our predictive capabilities but also underscores the need for adaptive strategies in managing these unpredictable surges.
Baca Juga: 15 Contoh Procedure Text Bahasa Inggris Singkat
Contoh Explanation Text Tentang Fenomena Alam
The Dynamics of Earthquakes
Earthquakes are seismic events characterized by the sudden release of energy within the Earth’s crust. Most earthquakes occur along tectonic plate boundaries, where these massive plates interact. The energy accumulated from the gradual movement of these plates is released in the form of seismic waves, causing the ground to shake. The magnitude and impact of an earthquake depend on factors like depth, fault type, and the amount of accumulated stress. Understanding these geological phenomena is crucial for assessing seismic risk and implementing effective earthquake-resistant structures.
The Formation of Tornadoes
Tornadoes, formidable columns of rotating air extending from thunderstorms to the ground, are spawned by the collision of warm, moist air with cold, dry air. This collision creates a vertically rotating column, or vortex, within a thunderstorm. When this vortex descends to the ground, it forms a tornado. The Enhanced Fujita (EF) scale categorizes tornadoes based on their wind speeds and the resulting damage. Tornado-prone regions, such as Tornado Alley in the central United States, necessitate advanced warning systems and preparedness measures to mitigate the destructive impact of these atmospheric phenomena.
Enchanting Aurora Phenomenon
Auroras, also known as the Northern and Southern Lights, are luminous displays in the Earth’s polar regions resulting from the interaction of charged particles with the planet’s magnetic field. Solar wind, composed of charged particles ejected from the Sun, collides with the Earth’s magnetosphere. This collision energizes atmospheric gasses, causing them to emit light. The mesmerizing colors of the auroras, predominantly greens, reds, and blues, depend on the type of gas particles involved. Studying these celestial phenomena not only enhances our understanding of Earth’s magnetosphere but also contributes to space weather research.
The Process of Lunar Eclipse
A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth passes directly between the Sun and the Moon, casting a shadow on the lunar surface. This alignment prompts three primary phases: the penumbral phase, the partial phase, and the total phase. During a total lunar eclipse, the Moon can take on a reddish hue, commonly referred to as a “blood moon,” due to Earth’s atmosphere filtering and refracting sunlight onto the lunar surface. Lunar eclipses are celestial events that provide astronomers and skywatchers with opportunities to study the properties of Earth’s atmosphere and the geometry of our solar system.
Science Behind Rainbows
Rainbows, colorful arcs of light appearing in the sky after rainfall, result from the dispersion, reflection, and refraction of sunlight in water droplets. As sunlight enters a raindrop, it refracts, reflects off the inside surface, and exits through the opposite side. This process separates the sunlight into its component colors, creating the spectrum observed in a rainbow. Double rainbows may occur when light undergoes multiple internal reflections. Understanding the physics of rainbows not only illuminates atmospheric optics but also provides insights into the interaction between light and water droplets in the Earth’s atmosphere.
Contoh Explanation Text Tsunami
What Causes a Tsunami?
Tsunamis, colossal oceanic waves, originate primarily from underwater seismic activity. The sudden displacement of tectonic plates, often caused by submarine earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, or landslides, results in a vertical movement of the ocean floor. This vertical shift imparts energy to the water column above, creating a series of powerful waves that propagate across the ocean. The devastating impact of tsunamis on coastal areas underscores the importance of monitoring and understanding these geological phenomena for early warning systems and disaster preparedness.
Baca Juga: 20 Contoh Report Text dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Penjelasannya
Contoh Explanation Text About Social Phenomena
Social Stratification: Layers of Societal Hierarchy
In the intricate fabric of societies worldwide, social stratification emerges as a pervasive phenomenon. This hierarchical arrangement of individuals is structured based on various factors, including wealth, education, and social standing. The stratification perpetuates unequal access to resources and opportunities, contributing to the establishment of distinct societal classes. Understanding the nuances of social stratification unveils the complexities of societal dynamics and prompts critical reflections on equity and justice.
In-Group/Out-Group Dynamics: Psychology of Social Categorization
Within the realm of social psychology, in-group/out-group dynamics shape interpersonal interactions and societal structures. This psychological phenomenon involves individuals categorizing others as belonging to either their “in-group” or the “out-group”. The implications are far-reaching, influencing attitudes, biases, and even societal prejudices. Examining the intricacies of in-group/out-group dynamics offers insights into the roots of discrimination and the challenges of fostering inclusivity in diverse communities.
Contoh Explanation Text Tentang Budaya
Wayang Kulit
Originating in the heart of Java, Wayang Kulit stands as an illustrious form of shadow puppetry that transcends entertainment to become a cultural emblem. The meticulously crafted leather puppets, deftly maneuvered against an illuminated screen, unfold sagas from the Ramayana and Mahabharata. This traditional art form, a harmonious blend of narrative and visual arts, not only captivates audiences but also encapsulates Indonesia’s rich cultural tapestry, showcasing the country’s historical, artistic, and storytelling prowess.
Batik Tulis
Batik Tulis, a masterpiece in the realm of Indonesian textile art, is a laborious yet captivating process involving the meticulous hand-painting of intricate patterns using a tool called “canting.” Originating in Java, this art form is a canvas of cultural richness, where each stroke tells a narrative. The wax-resist dyeing method employed in Batik Tulis not only creates vibrant and unique patterns but also serves as a testament to the country’s deep-rooted cultural expressions, connecting generations through its symbolic motifs.
Itulah explanation text example dalam bahasa Inggris yang bisa kamu baca dan pelajari. Setelah paham, cobalah untuk membuat satu teks eksplanasi untuk melatih writing skill dalam bahasa Inggris.
Selain menulis, explanation text juga akan ‘memaksa’ kita untuk rajin melakukan research. Pasalnya, kita harus menulis sesuai dengan data atau fakta ilmiah, guys.
Btw, setelah menulis, akan lebih bagus kalau draft-nya dicek terlebih dahulu oleh mereka yang sudah expert, salah satunya oleh guru bahasa Inggris native. Kamu bisa berkonsultasi dengan guru-guru tersebut di kelas English Academy by Ruangguru. Mau? Coba daftar dulu, yuk!
Referensi Gambar:
Female patient with medical mask showing thumbs up as she gets vaccine shot [daring]. Tautan: https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/female-patient-with-medical-mask-showing-thumbs-up-as-she-gets-vaccine-shot_14833587.htm#query=orang%20lagi%20divaksin&position=2&from_view=search&track=ais&uuid=7ea24a40-76c6-4eed-972e-7f259d81e8d1 (Diakses: 5 Maret 2024)
Kalau kamu tertarik dengan fenomena alam, jangan lewatkan bacaan menarik mengenai proses terjadinya gerhana. Nah, bacaan tersebut biasanya berbentuk explanation text. Selain tentang gerhana, kamu bisa menambah wawasan melalui belasan contoh explanation text bahasa Inggris dari English Academy!
Guys, pernah nggak kamu bertanya-tanya, bagaimana, sih, cara pelangi terbentuk? Atau.. mengapa hujan bisa turun dari langit? Kalau pernah, that’s good, karena ada explanation text yang bisa menjawab semua pertanyaanmu.
Fyi, artikel ini akan lebih banyak menambah pengetahuanmu dengan berbagai contoh teks eksplanasi beserta strukturnya. Jadi, kamu bisa mendapat asupan bacaan yang berkualitas sembari melatih English skill. Tenang, kita sama-sama remind terlebih dahulu mengenai definisi dari explanation text ya. Enjoy!
Apa itu Explanation Text?
Teks eksplanasi atau explanation text adalah jenis teks untuk memberikan pemahaman yang rinci mengenai suatu proses. Tujuan utama dari explanation text yaitu menjelaskan bagaimana atau mengapa sesuatu terjadi atau bekerja. Misal, bagaimana sebuah panel surya bisa menghasilkan listrik?
Lalu, perlu kamu catat bahwa, ciri khas dari explanation text adalah informasinya selalu disajikan dengan logis dan berurutan untuk membantu pembaca lebih mudah memahami isi tulisan.
Baca Juga: Explanation Text: Pengertian, Struktur, Ciri-Ciri, dan Contohnya
Generic Structure Explanation Text
Terdapat 5 struktur dalam explanation text, yaitu title, general statement, series of sequenced, conclusion, visual. Berikut penjelasannya:
1. Title (Judul)
Judul memberikan gambaran singkat tentang topik atau fenomena yang akan dijelaskan dalam teks. Contoh ‘What causes a tsunami?’
2. General statement (Pernyataan umum)
Paragraf ini memberikan pengantar umum tentang topik yang akan dijelaskan secara singkat. Pernyataan umum ini dapat berupa pengenalan pendek atau pemahaman sedikit latar belakang dari topik yang akan diuraikan.
3. Series of Sequenced (Paragraf berkesinambungan)
Seri paragraf merupakan penjelasan secara terurut mengenai bagaimana atau mengapa suatu hal bisa terjadi. Nantinya, setiap paragraf akan ditulis dengan pola hubungan sebab akibat yang saling tersambung dari awal sampai akhir. Oh ya, urutan paragraf ini membantu pembaca untuk mengikuti alur penjelasan dengan baik.
4. Conclusion (Paragraf penutup / kesimpulan)
Pada bagian paragraf penutup, kamu bisa merangkum kembali poin-poin utama yang telah dijelaskan, dan tulislah paragraf yang memberikan kesan bahwa semua informasi dalam explanation text tersebut memang valid.
5. Visual
Umumnya, visual dalam explanation text dibuat dan direpresentasikan melalui diagram atau flowchart yang dapat membantu pembaca memahami konsep dengan lebih baik. Tapi, biasanya bagian ini bersifat opsional, tergantung apa topik yang akan dibahas.
Baca Juga: 30 Contoh Descriptive Text Singkat Bahasa Inggris
Gimana, kamu udah ter-recall dengan penjelasan singkat seputar explanation text? Eits, tapi kamu juga bisa mendapatkan penjelasan lebih lengkap tentang explanation text dan materi lainnya bersama Master Teacher yang mantap dari English Academy by Ruangguru, lho! Yuk, cobain Kelas Gratis-nya!
Contoh Explanation Text in English
Review singkat soal pengertian explanation text sudah selesai. Sekarang, mari kita baca contoh teks eksplanasi bahasa Inggris dalam tema yang beragam!
Contoh Explanation Text Singkat
Snow Formation
Within the realm of meteorology, the formation of snow is a complex process rooted in the interplay of temperature, humidity, and atmospheric conditions. It commences when supercooled water droplets freeze onto ice nuclei, forming ice crystals. These crystals then undergo further growth through the accretion of water vapor. As these intricate ice structures fall through the atmosphere, they accumulate additional moisture, resulting in the unique and varied snowflakes that grace our winter l2andscapes. Understanding the intricacies of snow formation provides insights into regional climates and weather patterns.
How Vaccine Works
Vaccines operate as sophisticated biological tools, training the immune system to recognize and combat specific pathogens. They typically contain harmless fragments or inactivated forms of the targeted virus or bacteria. Upon vaccination, the immune system generates a response, producing antibodies and memory cells tailored to the pathogen. In subsequent encounters with the actual infectious agent, the immune system can mount a swift and effective defense, preventing or mitigating the severity of the disease. The efficacy of vaccines relies on the orchestrated interaction of immune cells, antibodies, and memory responses.
Amidst the intricate dance of nature, photosynthesis emerges as a solar alchemy, transforming sunlight into the essential sustenance for plant life. Chlorophyll, the green pigment within chloroplasts, orchestrates a symphony of biochemical reactions, converting carbon dioxide and water into glucose. This transformative process not only fuels the vitality of plants but also releases life-enabling oxygen into our atmosphere. In contemplating this botanical marvel, we gain insights into the foundational role of photosynthesis in sustaining life on Earth. Appreciating the solar alchemy of photosynthesis unveils the ingenious design of nature, where sunlight becomes the catalyst for life’s sustenance.
Global Warming: Earth’s Climate in Flux
Within the dynamic narrative of Earth’s climate, global warming emerges as a pivotal chapter, driven by the escalating concentrations of greenhouse gasses. Human activities, notably the combustion of fossil fuels, intensify the greenhouse effect, leading to a rise in average global temperatures. The consequences manifest in altered weather patterns, rising sea levels, and ecological disruptions. As we navigate this shifting climate canvas, understanding the scientific intricacies of global warming becomes paramount in fostering resilience and mitigating its widespread impact.
Nature’s hydrological ballet unfolds in the form of floods, where excessive rainfall or river overflow transforms landscapes in a choreography of dynamic forces. These inundations, while crucial for ecosystem renewal, pose substantial risks to human settlements. Delving into the hydrodynamics of floods not only enhances our predictive capabilities but also underscores the need for adaptive strategies in managing these unpredictable surges.
Baca Juga: 15 Contoh Procedure Text Bahasa Inggris Singkat
Contoh Explanation Text Tentang Fenomena Alam
The Dynamics of Earthquakes
Earthquakes are seismic events characterized by the sudden release of energy within the Earth’s crust. Most earthquakes occur along tectonic plate boundaries, where these massive plates interact. The energy accumulated from the gradual movement of these plates is released in the form of seismic waves, causing the ground to shake. The magnitude and impact of an earthquake depend on factors like depth, fault type, and the amount of accumulated stress. Understanding these geological phenomena is crucial for assessing seismic risk and implementing effective earthquake-resistant structures.
The Formation of Tornadoes
Tornadoes, formidable columns of rotating air extending from thunderstorms to the ground, are spawned by the collision of warm, moist air with cold, dry air. This collision creates a vertically rotating column, or vortex, within a thunderstorm. When this vortex descends to the ground, it forms a tornado. The Enhanced Fujita (EF) scale categorizes tornadoes based on their wind speeds and the resulting damage. Tornado-prone regions, such as Tornado Alley in the central United States, necessitate advanced warning systems and preparedness measures to mitigate the destructive impact of these atmospheric phenomena.
Enchanting Aurora Phenomenon
Auroras, also known as the Northern and Southern Lights, are luminous displays in the Earth’s polar regions resulting from the interaction of charged particles with the planet’s magnetic field. Solar wind, composed of charged particles ejected from the Sun, collides with the Earth’s magnetosphere. This collision energizes atmospheric gasses, causing them to emit light. The mesmerizing colors of the auroras, predominantly greens, reds, and blues, depend on the type of gas particles involved. Studying these celestial phenomena not only enhances our understanding of Earth’s magnetosphere but also contributes to space weather research.
The Process of Lunar Eclipse
A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth passes directly between the Sun and the Moon, casting a shadow on the lunar surface. This alignment prompts three primary phases: the penumbral phase, the partial phase, and the total phase. During a total lunar eclipse, the Moon can take on a reddish hue, commonly referred to as a “blood moon,” due to Earth’s atmosphere filtering and refracting sunlight onto the lunar surface. Lunar eclipses are celestial events that provide astronomers and skywatchers with opportunities to study the properties of Earth’s atmosphere and the geometry of our solar system.
Science Behind Rainbows
Rainbows, colorful arcs of light appearing in the sky after rainfall, result from the dispersion, reflection, and refraction of sunlight in water droplets. As sunlight enters a raindrop, it refracts, reflects off the inside surface, and exits through the opposite side. This process separates the sunlight into its component colors, creating the spectrum observed in a rainbow. Double rainbows may occur when light undergoes multiple internal reflections. Understanding the physics of rainbows not only illuminates atmospheric optics but also provides insights into the interaction between light and water droplets in the Earth’s atmosphere.
Contoh Explanation Text Tsunami
What Causes a Tsunami?
Tsunamis, colossal oceanic waves, originate primarily from underwater seismic activity. The sudden displacement of tectonic plates, often caused by submarine earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, or landslides, results in a vertical movement of the ocean floor. This vertical shift imparts energy to the water column above, creating a series of powerful waves that propagate across the ocean. The devastating impact of tsunamis on coastal areas underscores the importance of monitoring and understanding these geological phenomena for early warning systems and disaster preparedness.
Baca Juga: 20 Contoh Report Text dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Penjelasannya
Contoh Explanation Text About Social Phenomena
Social Stratification: Layers of Societal Hierarchy
In the intricate fabric of societies worldwide, social stratification emerges as a pervasive phenomenon. This hierarchical arrangement of individuals is structured based on various factors, including wealth, education, and social standing. The stratification perpetuates unequal access to resources and opportunities, contributing to the establishment of distinct societal classes. Understanding the nuances of social stratification unveils the complexities of societal dynamics and prompts critical reflections on equity and justice.
In-Group/Out-Group Dynamics: Psychology of Social Categorization
Within the realm of social psychology, in-group/out-group dynamics shape interpersonal interactions and societal structures. This psychological phenomenon involves individuals categorizing others as belonging to either their “in-group” or the “out-group”. The implications are far-reaching, influencing attitudes, biases, and even societal prejudices. Examining the intricacies of in-group/out-group dynamics offers insights into the roots of discrimination and the challenges of fostering inclusivity in diverse communities.
Contoh Explanation Text Tentang Budaya
Wayang Kulit
Originating in the heart of Java, Wayang Kulit stands as an illustrious form of shadow puppetry that transcends entertainment to become a cultural emblem. The meticulously crafted leather puppets, deftly maneuvered against an illuminated screen, unfold sagas from the Ramayana and Mahabharata. This traditional art form, a harmonious blend of narrative and visual arts, not only captivates audiences but also encapsulates Indonesia’s rich cultural tapestry, showcasing the country’s historical, artistic, and storytelling prowess.
Batik Tulis
Batik Tulis, a masterpiece in the realm of Indonesian textile art, is a laborious yet captivating process involving the meticulous hand-painting of intricate patterns using a tool called “canting.” Originating in Java, this art form is a canvas of cultural richness, where each stroke tells a narrative. The wax-resist dyeing method employed in Batik Tulis not only creates vibrant and unique patterns but also serves as a testament to the country’s deep-rooted cultural expressions, connecting generations through its symbolic motifs.
Itulah explanation text example dalam bahasa Inggris yang bisa kamu baca dan pelajari. Setelah paham, cobalah untuk membuat satu teks eksplanasi untuk melatih writing skill dalam bahasa Inggris.
Selain menulis, explanation text juga akan ‘memaksa’ kita untuk rajin melakukan research. Pasalnya, kita harus menulis sesuai dengan data atau fakta ilmiah, guys.
Btw, setelah menulis, akan lebih bagus kalau draft-nya dicek terlebih dahulu oleh mereka yang sudah expert, salah satunya oleh guru bahasa Inggris native. Kamu bisa berkonsultasi dengan guru-guru tersebut di kelas English Academy by Ruangguru. Mau? Coba daftar dulu, yuk!
Referensi Gambar:
Female patient with medical mask showing thumbs up as she gets vaccine shot [daring]. Tautan: https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/female-patient-with-medical-mask-showing-thumbs-up-as-she-gets-vaccine-shot_14833587.htm#query=orang%20lagi%20divaksin&position=2&from_view=search&track=ais&uuid=7ea24a40-76c6-4eed-972e-7f259d81e8d1 (Diakses: 5 Maret 2024)