50 Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 SD, Ada Kunci Jawabannya!

Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 SD

Artikel ini berisi 50 soal latihan Bahasa Inggris kelas 2 SD semester 1 dan 2, ada kunci jawabannya!


Parents, memberi latihan soal bahasa Inggris pada si kecil tak harus menunggu moment ujian saja, loh. Pasalnya, saat ini tidak semua sekolah menerapkan pelajaran bahasa Inggris untuk jenjang SD alias elementary schoolYap, beda kurikulum, tentu akan berbeda mata pelajarannya.

Tapi, kalau ternyata putra putri kesayangan parents termasuk salah satu siswa SD yang sudah belajar English, ayo bersiap! Sebentar lagi waktu ujian tiba!

Di artikel ini, materi latihannya masih mendekati level dari soal bahasa Inggris kelas 1 SD sepeti nama-nama warna, body part, alat transportasi, dan masih banyak lagi. Ready? Let’s go!


30 Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 SD Semester 1

In this section, please choose one of the best answers for the questions!

1. When does the day start?

a. In the morning
b. In the afternoon
c. In the evening
d. In the night

Jawaban: A


2. What is the time of the day when the sun sets?


a. Morning
b. Afternoon
c. Evening
d. Midnight

Jawaban: C

3. Look at the picture. What is it?

It is a …

a. hand
b. nose
c. leg
d. eyebrow

Jawaban: B

Baca Juga: Parts of the Body: Mengenal Anggota Tubuh Manusia Bahasa Inggris

4. Aimee has a cat. She loves …. cat so much.

a. his
b. him
c. her
d. your

Jawaban: C

5. You use your ….. to write something.

a. nose
b. leg
c. hand
d. eye

Jawaban: C


Parents, untuk meraih masa depan yang gemilang, mari ajak putra putri Anda belajar bahasa Inggris mulai dari sekarang.
Tak perlu bingung menyusun materi, percayakan saja pada English Academy!
Konsultasi Gratis, Sekarang!

Konsultasi English Academy Junior


6. Rafi has 3 breads. He gives …. 2 breads to Roni.

a. her
b. his
c. him
d. mine

Jawaban: B

7. Which of the following is an item of clothing that is worn on the head?

a. Scarf
b. Hat
c. Shoes
d. Socks

Jawaban: B

8. What is the name of the item of clothing that is worn on the hands?

a. Hat
b. Gloves
c. Pants
d. Shoes

Jawaban: B

9. Indonesia’s flag is …

a. red and yellow
b. brown and green
c. white and blue
d. red and white

Jawaban: D

10. Tania has ….

a. 5 bags
b. 7 pencil cases
c. 8 bags
d. 9 books

Jawaban: C

11. What is the name of the room where students go to learn?

a. Classroom
b. Gymnasium
c. Library
d. Office

Jawaban: A

12. What is the name of the device that is used to write on the board in a classroom?

a. Marker
b. Pencil
c. Pen
d. Watercolor

Jawaban: A

13. We use …. for tasting.

a. ear
b. mouth
c. eye
d. leg

Jawaban: B

14. What is the name of the second day of the week?

a. Monday
b. Wednesday
c. Tuesday
d. Sunday

Jawaban: C

15. What is “Rabu” in English?

a. Wednesday
b. Monday
c. Friday
d. Saturday

Jawaban: A

16. I will visit grandma the day before Friday. When will I visit grandma?

a. Wednesday
b. Sunday
c. Saturday
d. Thursday

Jawaban: D

Baca Juga: Nama-Nama Hari dalam Bahasa Inggris (Days in English)

17. What is the name of the 5th month of the year?

a. May
b. June
c. July
d. August

Jawaban: A

Please read carefully the text to answer the question 18-20!

My name is Dian. I wake up early in the morning to go to school everyday. I brush my teeth and take a shower. Then, I have my breakfast. I often have toast and a glass of milk for my breakfast. After that, I get dressed and prepare my bag for school. I go to school at 7 in the morning and go back at 3 in the afternoon. After school, I usually take a nap for 1 hour. I continue to take a shower in the evening. After having dinner with my family, I study and do my homework. Then I watch TV or read a book before going to bed. 

18. What does Dian often have for breakfast?

a. Rice and noodles
b. Toast and a glass of milk
c. Pizza and soda
d. Fried chicken and fries

Jawaban: B

19. What time does Dian usually go to school?

a. 7 in the morning
b. 7 in the evening
c. 8 in the morning
d. 8 in the evening

Jawaban: A

20. What does the person do after having dinner with the family?

a. Watch TV or read a book
b. Take a shower
c. Do homework
d. Play outside

Jawaban: C

B. In this section, please write down the right answer for the questions!

21. When is the independence day of Indonesia?

Jawaban: August


22. I love to eat …. very much.

Jawaban: Pizza

23. Rearrange into the correct words!

W – T – H- A – C (jam tangan)

Jawaban: WATCH

24. Alda is hungry. She wants to eat . . .(mie)

Jawaban: Noodle

25. The beginning of the year starts with ….

Jawaban: January

26. What is the name of the body part that is used for seeing?

Jawaban: Eye


27. Feby wears a …. to go to school everyday.

Jawaban: Skirt

28. Gudeg is the typical food from …

Jawaban: Yogyakarta

29. Rearrange into the correct words!

Like – milk – drink – I

Jawaban: I like drink milk

Baca Juga: Foods and Drinks, Mengenal Nama Makanan dan Minuman Bahasa Inggris

30. The kids are very …. when their mother makes some cupcakes for them. (senang)

Jawaban: Happy

Baca Juga: 7 Tips Mengajarkan Anak Bahasa Inggris Sejak Dini


20 Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 SD Semester 2 dan Kunci Jawabannya

In this section, please choose one of the best answers for the questions!

1. What color is the grass?

a. Blue
b. Yellow
c. Green
d. Orange

Jawaban: C


2. The donut is ….

a. Red
b. Pink
c. Black
d. Purple

Jawaban: B

3. What is the object used for writing on paper?

a. Pencil
b. Eraser
c. Ruler
d. Glue

Jawaban: A

4. I draw this rainbow using ….

a. Paper
b. Globe
c. Crayon
d. Eraser

Jawaban: C

5. There is …. on the table.

a. A book
b. A tree
c. A car
d. A fish

Jawaban: A

6. There are …. on the shelf.

a. Toys
b. An apple
c. A sock
d. A banana

Jawaban: A

7. U – R – P – P – L – E


Jawaban: B

8. I eat my sandwich with my … 

a. Head
b. Leg
c. Hand
d. Eye

Jawaban: C

9. The size of the giraffe is very ….

a. Small
b. Tall
c. Thin
d. Fat

Jawaban: B

10. What is a common pet for people to have in their homes?

a. Elephant
b. Fish
c. Giraffe
d. Lion

Jawaban: B

B. In this section, please write down the right answer for the questions!

11. I … washing my feet.

Jawaban: am

12. Niko goes to his grandma by car. This transportation has four … to move.

Jawaban: tires

13. My teacher goes to Bali by ….

Jawaban: plane


14. I like to eat …. for breakfast. (ayam goreng)

Jawaban: fried chicken

15. Rearrange into the correct words!

A – N – W – I – H – S – D – C


16. The object used for measuring length in the classroom is ….

Jawaban: ruler

17. “The rabbit eats carrot” in Indonesia means …

Jawaban: Kelinci makan wortel

18. There … many flowers in the garden.

Jawaban: are

19. Have – bananas – five – I

The correct order is ….

Jawaban: I have five bananas

20. “Aku menyayangi kucingku.” in English is ….

Jawaban: I loves my cat

Baca Juga: 50 Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 3 SD dan Kunci Jawabannya

Selesai! Menurut parents, apakah soal latihan di atas bisa dikerjakan dengan baik oleh putra putri tercinta? Semoga ya!

Tapi, kalau nanti hasilnya belum memuaskan, coba ajak mereka untuk belajar di English Academy!

Di sana, ada kelas junior yang memiliki metode belajar fun dan interaktif. Jadi, hasilnya pun tentu akan lebih efektif. 

Penasaran? Yuk, coba dulu Placement Test-nya, gratis dan bersertifikat!

Placement Test English Academy

Adya Rosyada Yonas